I've hit rock bottom, what can I do? – Online Psychologists

Many times throughout our lives we will say more than once that we have “hit rock bottom” because we feel discouraged and lost. On most occasions we tend to exaggerate, because It is difficult to determine what it means to “hit rock bottom.”

Hitting rock bottom, or rather, the feeling Hitting rock bottom is caused by a deep sadness, fear or anguish that you may feel in certain situations where you question decisions you have made.

How do you know when you've hit rock bottom?

Feel emotions such as sadness, despair, fear When faced with a situation that has happened to you, whether it is failure at school, dismissal, loss of a person, etc., it can make you feel that you have hit rock bottom, that you can't get any worse. It is a very common expression and feeling, especially if you tend to worry too much about things. This leads you to regret and beat yourself up about certain decisions you have made that have brought you to the point where you are.

There are some clues that will help you figure out if you have 'hit rock bottom':

  • Loss of illusionWhat you usually like, what encourages you, what excites you, no longer provokes that feeling in you.
  • Sadness. You may feel great sadness or anguish over the decisions you have made. And you blame yourself for everything.
  • PessimismFrom that moment on, you think negatively, that things are going to go wrong for you and this can make you afraid.
  • Lack of initiative. The fact of having 'failed' prevents you from thinking and creating new goals and projects to work on.

Can I take anything positive from this?

However, you have to look at the bright side of things and even from the worst decision you can get something good. Everyone goes through better and worse times, and even if you have hit rock bottom you can learn life lessons that will help you in future situations.

It is very important that, despite going through a bad time, you can become aware or have the ability to perceive the positive view of things. Even the worst moment of your life teaches you something, such as overcoming yourself. Among these life lessons, the most common are usually the following.

  • Get to know you better. Going through a bad time and overcoming it means that you have had the ability to know how you feel and be able to overcome those feelings and fears that were holding you back.
  • Increased self-esteem. Self-improvement in difficult times is important for your self-esteem. “I have been through a bad time and I have overcome it” trust in yourself, let it serve as a lesson and a boost of energy, you are a strong person and you can overcome even difficult times. This will help you in the future.
  • Be realistic. Falling from time to time is a real shock. Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to, and we can't control everything that happens to us or around us. Not everything depends on us, but also on external factors. These moments make you take a more realistic view of the situation in your next decisions and you can decide accordingly.
  • Greater responsibility when making decisionsThis means that you will be more aware of the possible situations that may arise from a decision or action, that you will take more time to reflect and you will value your decisions much more.
  • Admitting mistakesIt is important that we know how to recognize how we feel and admit, if the situation is like this, that we have made a mistake, we have failed and it is okay. Recognizing the mistake is the first step to overcome it. In addition, this will make you stronger in the face of future mistakes that you may make. However, for example, if this feeling is caused by an external situation, which has caused this sadness, such as the loss of a loved one, it is equally important that we know how to recognize our feelings in order to understand, accept and manage them. This will allow you to recover from everything that happened in the best possible way.
  • Strengthen your closest environmentBad times are the best proof of love that one has, everyone can and wants to be there in the good times, but in the bad times only those who love you the most and who care about you the most will support you. This will strengthen the bonds between family members or friends who have been by your side in those difficult times.

An online psychologist can help you if you feel like you've hit rock bottom.

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How can I fix this?

Hitting rock bottom is a feeling that affects you deeply. The best option is always to discuss it with a professional psychologist, however, we give you some advice to help you overcome this situation.

  • Express your feelings. Expressing your emotions is one of the best ways to vent or take some weight off your shoulders. You can express it through words, tell a friend, your mother, your cousin, or express it on paper, a more intimate and equally liberating way.
  • Make plans that excite youIt is important that in these situations you keep the desire to do things and the excitement. Make plans that generate these feelings, meet up with your friends for dinner or to see a movie, go on a trip, take a walk in the park with your partner, stay at home reading a book. Each person is different and likes and generates these emotions different things, do what you feel like most.
  • Accept your emotions. Don't try to avoid emotions by socializing. That is, it's okay to do so, it can help you maintain energy and enthusiasm, but not to avoid thinking or denying your feelings. Recognize them, accept them and manage them, it's the best way to overcome them.
  • Positive outlook on lifeHaving a more optimistic outlook on life will help you cope better with difficult situations. Even if you are going through a bad time, trying to find the good things, the lessons you have learned from mistakes or events that have happened will be beneficial for better strengthening your mind and personality.
  • Go to a psychologistPutting yourself in the hands of a professional will be the best option to be able to overcome the emotions you are feeling. The psychologist will know how to guide you to not only recognize and face those emotions, but also to overcome them and strengthen them for the future.

Psychological help is the best way out for you. mental healthexternalize, accept and strengthen yourself. And above all, allow yourself to be bad, it is not bad. Contact our psychologists and make an appointment for a online therapy. The First briefing is free.