It’s time to shut down fur farms forever!

On May 18, 2022, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) #FurFreeEuropePetition was launched and received the support of more than eighty European organizations. It ended on March 1st. In less than ten months, over 1.7 million signatures were collected for a fur-free Europe. Formal requirements for an ECI are collecting one million signatures and reaching signature thresholds in at least 7 member states.

In June 2023 the official validation process was completed and it is certain: #FurFreeEurope is the most successful ECI for animal welfare and at the same time the 3rd most successful overall!

More than 1.5 million EU citizens are calling for a fur-free Europe! The EBI has also reached the national thresholds in 18 member states.

The ECI organizers will now meet the European Commission and then attend a public hearing in the European Parliament, after which the European Commission will have to respond publicly to the initiative before the end of the year.

In the coming months, and other animal welfare organizations will focus on doing everything in our power to ensure that a ban on fur farming and sales is included in EU animal welfare legislation.