It’s that easy to distinguish if the fruit and vegetables you buy are transgenic or organic

The effects of GMOs on human health are not yet entirely clear. Barely two generations have been exposed to this genetic engineering in food. But the truth is that the multinational Monsanto began to use this technology discretionally, without bothering to verify its consequences first.

Although it has been proven that our digestive system breaks down the mutant DNA of GMOs as if it were any other food, the truth is that avoiding consuming modified foods is the best thing we can do given the uncertainty they generate.

Furthermore, what is known for certain is the harmful effect that Monsanto’s herbicide, RounUp, has on human health. This herbicide, which causes cancer and malformations in newborns, is used on crops whose seeds have been modified to be resistant to glyphosate. The objective is to optimize production and to be able to use herbicides and pesticides freely without damaging the crops. But all this, again, to the detriment of our health and the environment.

Another good reason to avoid GMOs is because are putting the natural diversity of crops such as corn at risk, which in countries like Mexico is more than food: it is a cultural cohesive. As if that were not enough, the «monopoly» of crops remains in the hands of Monsanto and five other companies, which is wearing down natural cycles and the cultures that live from agriculture, as well as threatening the food sovereignty of developing nations. developing.

That is why this time we will talk to you about how to avoid transgenic fruits at all costs.

mark wolf

The question is not to stop consuming fruits. On the contrary, because it has been shown how important their nutritional contributions are for our evolution. But if you want to get all its benefits without any side effects involved, you have to know how to choose them.

How to read the fruit label

Among the foods, fruits are the ones that we can most easily differentiate between organic, modified or conventional. This is thanks to the labels that are usually stuck on them and that sometimes we just remove without even taking a look. These labels have been used since 1990and are a way of making it easier to classify fruit by price.

That is why in English this label is known as PLU Code: Price Look Up. And it is called «code» because it consists of 4 or 5 digits that they form a clearer classification system than you might think. Through it you can find out how the product was planted, if it was sprayed with herbicides or pesticides and if it contains preservatives.

It is organic:

When it consists of 5 digits that start with the number 9the fruit label will mean that you have a 100% organic fruit in your hands.

It is conventional:

When the code consists of 4 digitsNo matter what number you start with, fruit labeling will mean that you are holding conventionally grown fruit that has been sprayed with chemical pesticides. This means that not organic but, in theory, it is not genetically modified either.

It is genetically modified:

When the code consists of 5 digits that start with number 8, fruit labeling will mean that you are holding a genetically modified fruit on your hands, and it was probably sprayed with RoundUp and many other toxic products.

But is this system infallible? Does it apply throughout Latin America?

The problem with this labeling is that multinationals avoid putting it on their crops for the purpose, Knowing that consumers do not want to buy modified foods. And since labeling is not a mandatory measure but merely a technical one, they can do it without anyone doing anything.

Therefore, it is better that you also avoid fruits that are marked as «conventional», because these are the ones that can be «covertly modified». In this sense, it is important not to buy exported crops that begin with the digit 4. Because in fruits such as apples, for example, almost always when it reads USA, its label begins with the digit 4 (that is, they are rarely GMO-free). .

So better try to buy organic fruit national

Fruit in Latin America is labeled under the same rules, since it is a world market system.

Although if for some reason it is unavoidable that you buy conventionally grown fruit (whether domestic or exported) or even genetically modified fruit, it is important that you know which fruits and vegetables have fewer pesticides, so that in case you expose yourself as little as possible to these toxic chemicals. And keep in mind that there is always a way to remove pesticides quickly and naturally.

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