its influence on personality

Sagittarius Ascendant natives love to be in the company of others, but they also have a strong need to be free and independent. They simply love to travel and are always looking to take part in a new adventure.

Making friends relatively easily, they are always happy and cheerful. But expect them to never have patience, to act on impulse and to change from one minute to the next. Another thing that can be noticed in them is their sincerity.

What is a Sagittarius Ascendant like in a nutshell

– Strengths: Stoic, passionate and courteous.
– Weaknesses: Quick, judicious and indiscreet.
– Perfect companion: Someone who is independent and self-confident.
– Life Lesson for Sagittarius Rising: Forgive and let go of any grudge.

The ascendant is nothing other than what people show when they are with others, the way they respond to the environment and the individuals who interact with them. It shows how the natives defend themselves and how they interact with others.

How is the personality of a native Sagittarius Ascendant?

Sagittarians are considered «space travelers» who never stop being active and fun. They always smile and like to show their optimism. Wise and intelligent, these natives are very attracted to philosophy and religion. There is no one to stop them from being everywhere because they get very bored by spending too much time in one place.

Expect them to travel and always be on the move, like horses running free in nature. Because they would not mind accepting any challenge, they are exciting and make everyday life interesting. The fact that they need intellectual and physical stimulation is undeniable, much like Sagittarius Sun natives.

Sagittarius | Getty Images

In your need to move forward all the time great potential can be discovered because your high energy levels can be used very constructively. When they feel like they can’t get what they want, Sagittarians take time to analyze where they went wrong.

Determined and able to work with their own emotions and vitality in the most effective wayThey can make many of your dreams come true. With their partner, they are quite active and at the same time relaxed. They will never get married because their family and friends want it that way. Mothers in this rising sign must be careful not to disconnect from their own children because they can be very careless.

Having a noble soul, being fair and honest, Sagittarians express themselves and never have bad intentions. They think everyone is the same, so this can get them into trouble and take advantage of them.

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Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius, also rules over luck and abundance. It is due to this celestial body that these natives are curious to learn new things and want to teach others. It also makes them philosophical and enjoyable.

People will automatically respect them because they naturally demand respect. Charismatic and wise, knowledgeable about any subject and independent, they have high ideals and honorable goals that will be achieved because they are anchored in reality through their instincts.

It’s like they’re constantly looking for something that doesn’t even look or feel like it. But this happens because they’re chasing something one minute, and as soon as they’re done with it, they go after something else. It is normal for them to be passionate and use all their strength, no matter who and what they are dealing with. Others will always be inspired by your enthusiasm.

Their descendant is Gemini, so they need a partner who is not afraid to provoke and contradict them because they like to be intellectually stimulated and forced to think harder.

They also do not mind that their confidence is interfered with. It is essential that they are grateful to those who help them achieve their dreams, as they can forget the people who have given them a hand.

Also so that they do not treat their partner as if they were superior to him or her. Sagittarians earn the respect of others by presenting the way they see life, with their ethics, justice and the way they do their job.

These natives will always fight for freedom because it is what they believe in the most. As Jupiter rules them, they will know that their luck can make them do very well in business, so they may want to be entrepreneurs who set high financial goals for themselves.

They will chase money with confidence, you can be sure of that. Rising Sagittarians treat love like a game most of the time, wanting to win as they would in a competition.

But their passion and love for life will make them enjoy and love, so their partner will understand any of their shortcomings. When they have no direction in life, they feel disillusioned and desperately search for new goals.

Their hobbies are very important to them, so don’t expect these people to drop their weekend habits for someone or watch a movie instead. Since they love to travel, they will change houses as often and easily as others change their clothes. It’s that they just prefer to leave when life gets boring. It is a pleasure for them to learn new languages ​​and interact with different cultures. These are the kind of people who don’t mind sleeping in airports and living in hotels.

Sagittarius Physique Soaring

Rising Sagittarians have a round face and a wide smile. They are not the most graceful people because they are actually very clumsy. They like to make grand gestures and be friendly. You will easily recognize them because they drag their feet. Although they are energetic, they do not like exercise and prefer to drink and eat instead.

When it comes to their body, they have long limbs and similar torsos. They may have some problems with their weight. Because their behavior is extreme at times, they are likely to experience rapid weight changes, becoming too thin or too fat in a short time.

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All Fire rising male signs have a baldness problem, so the Sagittarius rising man will probably lose his hair in his fifties. It does not matter if they are women or men, these natives are always smiling, even if life seems difficult. That’s why it’s easy to spot them in a crowd. Or maybe they notice them because they’re the ones always cracking jokes and being silly.

You can see that each and every one of them has a nice nose, great legs and beautiful hands.. Many will like these natives for being fun and friendly, so it will be easy for them to make new friends.

The Ascendant man in Sagittarius

The Sagittarius rising man cannot rest and wants his independence more than anything else. Seeking to be different and escape from the mundane, he will always do something interesting and fun. He falls in and out of love very easily. so you will rarely know how many women are passing through your life.

Being the type to get bored immediately, he wants to be free and cannot be tied down by anyone. Adventure appeals to him more than anything else, so there will be no relationship keeping him at home or him acting domestic.

He likes women who know what they want and have no inhibitions about sex and their feelings. However, he is not known to have a high libido compared to other men.

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Sagittarius Ascendant woman

The rising Sagittarius woman likes to change and wants an exciting life. She joins in on all kinds of adventures, making friends and learning new things all the time. Open, helpful and friendly, she doesn’t mind changing partners and is looking for someone like her. Many will want her as her wife, but she will not give in until the man who loves her reveals how she sees her life.

She is not the type to play the role of the traditional mother and housewife because she is not domestic in any way.. When it comes to making love, this lady prefers the most unusual places and the strangest times.

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Sagittarius rising natives are big dreamers, determined, energetic, spiritual or nihilistic, full of enthusiasm, willing to travel and study new cultures, physical, brave, open and happy, among others.

Their high ideals will always have them running and doing something. Anyone can be fascinated by the way they tell a story and talk about their dreams. Loving the outdoors, they can often be found playing Frisbee with their dog, hiking, or going to a waterfall they’ve heard about that happens to be in the middle of nowhere.

They tend to have superficial relationships and not get attached to people. Not to mention that they are always on the go and don’t have time for deeper connections. Because they are continually searching for a destination where the grass is greener, they may not see the beauty around them.

Honest, expressive and straight to the point, the rising Sagittarius is not at all diplomatic or tactical. They prefer to discuss ideas than people and prefer to focus on the big picture because details tire them. They may promise things that they will never deliver.