its influence on personality

Natives with the Ascendant in Aries They are simple and quick to act. They like to compete and they love it when they win something. They have no patience, it is difficult for them to be around slow individuals who refuse to be active.

Known for being impulsive and having a quick temper, they still deserve all the admiration of others because they don’t hold a grudge. Also, independent and very confident, usually they manage to make their dreams come true.

Rising in Aries, in a nutshell

Strengths: Dignified, ambitious and daring.

weaknesses: Irritable, clumsy and distracted.

perfect partner: Someone who pursues harmony instead of adventure and puts them first.

Life Lesson for Aries Ascendant: To put those close above anything else.

The rising sign should always be considered when reading a natal chart, because determines how a person looks and acts around others. It is also an important element when it comes to the impact that the individual has on everyone, symbolizing the first impressions that people have about a person.

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How is the personality of the Ascendant in Aries?

Having a tendency to be selfish in the most ruthless way, the Aries Ascendant cannot be very considerate because it would mean for them to interrupt their energy flow and stop focusing on their own goals. However, there is something in their personality, a kind and caring attitude that they are sharing their life, along with the desire to live a peaceful and beautiful life.

In short, when it comes to their lover, they are more like Pound, its opposite in the Zodiac. But his closest friends will not even notice this in them because it will only be something that they will only reveal to their partner.

His determination and impulsiveness they may overwhelm some, but they are traits they find very important to their upbringing. These natives need high ideals and have a purpose because they are only motivated by good results..

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Only when they work on something do they feel fulfilled and want to release all their emotional and physical energy. But they expect them to be aggressive, restless and very impatient. You will always recognize them in a crowd because they have sparkling eyes that make it look like they just got out of bed. It’s normal for rising Aries to pay attention to their self-image and put on the coolest clothes that reveal their great taste.

They have a dignified appearance and live the most dynamic life. Anyone can notice that his body is always stretched and ready for action, which makes sense because his energy levels are incredible. These natives cannot be prevented from getting what they want and from always wanting to do something.

Ruled by Mars, through his ascendant they are the fighters and the winners of this game called life. Mars is known as the planet of war, after all. Expect them to always be focused on what they have to do and want center stage, not being in the shadows at all.

They just love life and know how to live it at a fast pace. Cheerful and enjoying every moment to the fullest, these people are passionate, hectic and can’t wait for things to happen. That’s why they want a partner like them. However, it is also possible that they are attracted to soft signs ruled by Venus.

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hating stupidity, they will surround themselves with intelligent people. When things don’t go their way, nervous breakdowns begin to take control of their lives. Due to lack of patience, it is absolutely normal for them to give up on some things and projects. It’s just that they want immediate results, not just wait and expect things to happen.

In a competition, all they will do is think about the end and win. They may learn to be patient if fate forces them to in their life. Thus, a marriage, a friendship and also parenthood will teach them to expect good things.

Even if they don’t show it all the time, Aries ascendants are very brave. But others must be very careful not to make them angry or say things twice. Being told too many times what to do makes them feel stupid and they probably don’t like feeling that way. What’s good to know is that their anger doesn’t last long and a good joke can make them happy again.

Decisive by nature and powerful, they sometimes force their intentions on others. Preferring to show off their talents, the rising Aries won’t just sit back and wait for someone to appreciate them.

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If they are of the type introvert, Aries’ own assertiveness will reveal itself later in his personality. If not, they will end up frustrated and famous for throwing tantrums about anything.

When people have Libra descendants like themselves, they become less aggressive and more attentive to what others need. However, in order for these natives to be more serene and calm, it is necessary that their boldness, power and independence be straightened out first. And only after that, you can start to be more polite, considerate and discreet, but only gradually.

These people will not waste their time with someone who is selfish and petty. The kinder and less competitive a person is, more attracted to her. Rising Aries can have a contradictory side because, when they are young, they are independent and flirty and at the same time want a stable home and get married.

This is not abnormal because your fourth house of family and home is ruled by Cancer and therefore the Moon. As youngsters, they don’t even think about establishing a career for themselves because they are too impatient.

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The physique of the Ascendant in Aries

Rising Aries are known for their quick walk and jerky movements.. His facial bones are prominent, and scars may be present around his eyes or on his cheeks because they always seem to be injured around the face area.

Their body is strong and athletic, so many will be sure that they are always exercising. Proud of their physical appearance and young in spirit, these natives have an incredible energy and lust for life that makes them want to take on new challenges. Placing a lot of importance on how they look and present themselves in the world, the Aries Rising will be careful about what they wear and how they wear it.

Very honest and direct they will always tell the truth and won’t care if others get hurt. They have no bad intentions and you can be sure that they are trustworthy and devoted. Your body is ruled by Mars, so when the connection between your vibrations and this planet is broken, you won’t feel so good.

On the head, these natives often have migraines. Some dermatological diseases on their face are also common for them, along with feverish dispositions. Sporty and always on the run because they have this incredible energy, the Rising in Aries could withstand a lot of physical exertion. Pay attention to your physical conditionso it’s not impossible to find them at the gym after work.

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The Ascendant man in Aries

The Aries Ascendant man needs to always be in control. Ambitious and impulsive, he will most likely achieve his dreams. This native man requires that his partner be completely honest because that’s how he is too.

He likes to chase and loves a woman who presents herself as a challenge for your conquest skills. The thrill of courting her makes him thrive, so the more she doesn’t give in to him, the better for her.

Ladies who act fast turn him on immediately. He likes to be seen as the most important person in his wife’s lifeThat’s why she hates hearing about her ex-partners. Her lover must calm her anxiety and teach her how to express herself sexually. As soon as he has won a lady’s heart and is comfortable, he begins to show the more aggressive side of him.

The Ascendant woman in Aries

The Aries Rising woman is not afraid of any challenge or conflict. He likes men independent because she is like that. This lady will not rush to get married because she first wants to make her other dreams come true. If she feels that a relationship is not up to her high standards, she would rather be alone.

When she is in love, she makes sure that the person of her interest knows about her feelings. She is not at all patient or open to letting things happen, Chances are you are having some issues with your love life.

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Aries Ascendants are very energetic, anxious to get things started, impulsive and stubborn. They are known to be restless, but thoughtful and direct and just hate being tied down or told what to do. It is suggested that they learn to have more tact, patience and consideration, because if they knew how to focus their energies on something more constructive, they would be much more successful.

Like the ram that symbolizes them, they use their heads to face obstacles and hope to always have the power to knock down anything that comes their way, including his opponents. They love to be challenged because their spirit is competitive and aggressive. Finishing one project before starting another is suggested so that your life takes the right turns.