Its influence on personality

Stubborn and opinionated, the Taurus rising can put up with a lot and have a lot of patience if they know that success is going to be theirs.. Because they are affectionate and personable, many people will want to spend time with them.

They are normally relaxed and calm, but when pushed too hard, they can become extremely violent. They tend to overeat and indulge in all the pleasures of life.

This is Taurus Ascendant in a nutshell

– Strengths: Farsighted, cheerful and perceptive.
– Weaknesses: Ruthless, inconsiderate and deceitful.
– Perfect partner: Someone who understands when it’s time to commit.
– Life lesson for Taurus Ascendant: To accept certain truths and live more in the moment.

Rising signs reveal what a person is like on the outside, being the most obvious when it comes to astrological accumulation.. They influence how people perceive others, «coloring» each sun sign of the Zodiac. The Ascendants also affect the way individuals see themselves, their attitude and speed of movement, being very important for how they perceive new information and other people, or how quickly they react.

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What is the Taurus Rising personality like?

Very ambitious and with taste for the most things fine of life, rising Tauruses are very focused on the materialistic side. They are worried about their money, they want to own property and they are not so interested in what is not beautiful. But they will buy artwork because it is a good investment, not because they like what they are seeing.

When it comes to their love life, they are passionate and very intense. However, they will have a lot of demands on their lover, while their partner will remain aware that they make a lot of sense of the relationship and are sincere.

Your ability to enjoy all good things and life itself will help you bring a lot of joy to your romantic connections. However, they will surely be possessive and jealous at some point because they can get that way for no good reason..

It is essential that they work on these issues, since not all the partners they will have will be able to understand that this is one of their main weaknesses.

The opposite sign Scorpio will have some influence on your personality, but only in terms of attitude.

Taurus Ascendants are hard workers who are likely to make a lot of money. They are famous for being slow and ruthless, for planning and approaching a methodical strategy when they want to achieve their goals.

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But they may become lazy or never want to change, which means they may end up doing things that are no longer topical or have no meaning.

When influenced by a Scorpio descendant, they become much more intense in terms of their emotions. But his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness will show up no matter what, in this case twice as much.

Taurus Ascendants are seen as passionate and enigmatic by their lover, who will often think that these natives just want to manipulate. That is why it is very important for them to allow others to come closer while they continue to maintain their strong influence.

Very devoted, they may become obsessed with their lover. Sometimes it can seem difficult for these people to find someone not because they consider themselves unattractive, but because they doubt their own values.

It’s good that they don’t mind any rumors about themselves, they just laugh when they hear someone say they’ve done something nasty.

This kind of attitude can drive a lot of people crazy, so they have an advantage against their opponents. Just like the animal that represents them, they don’t mind working hard and are very stubborn.

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You will never see them do what they don’t want or like. Venus rules over Libra and Aries Rising, but the difference between these gives Taurus an ascending power.

Rarely unhappy and very expressive, Taurus Ascendant natives have beautiful round faces and are very cheerful. The fact that they are calm makes people want to be around them all the time. It’s great that they enjoy the little things and want everyone to be happy.

they need peace, so they accept people with their flaws and weaknesses. However, they expect them to turn into raging bulls when they cross paths because their opposite sign, Scorpio, also influences them to be ruthless.

The fact that they hold the anger and release it all at once means that they will last a while being upset. It can be said that they can cause earthquakes to occur, so it is suggested to stay away from them when they are angry.

They like to hear people apologize and they can forgive, but they wouldn’t accept the same mistake being made twice, no matter how patient they were. They have great talent with business and they could even be great artists if they practiced their Venusian side by appreciating art more.

Taurus gets up as if he were free when he works, without anyone interfering or supervising him. Able to charm anyone with their strength and calm, they attract people without having to make a great effort.

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Taurus Rising Physique

Taurus Ascendants have strong bodies with large torsos. They will probably gain weight because they just love food. With a short neck and broad, square shoulders, they’re easy to spot when they’re angry because their nostrils start to glow.

Ruled by Venus through their ascendant, these natives are simply in love with beauty, so this is most likely reflected in their appearance. Wanting to see harmony in the mirror and the people around them, they will worry about the image they have of themselves and how those close to them see themselves.

These natives will fight for their own independence throughout their lives, and the pleasure of enjoyment will never be taken away from them.. They will get along with everyone, making sure that their relationships are balanced because the company of others is very important to them.

You will never see them react quickly because it is in their nature to stop and give an answer after they have processed and filtered everything through their own mind. It would be easy for them to win at poker because they would have the face for it.

Having a fertile and strong build, they are not very likely to be skinny. Most of them are solid and well built, the Taurus Rising woman resembles the Greek goddess Aphrodite. You may have large breasts and wide hips.

It does not matter if they are men or women, they will always have a fixed posture that reminds others of the real bull. His skin is thick and his eyes are big, having a voice that is sure to impress everyone with its depth and softness.

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This is the Taurus Ascendant man

All the Taurus Ascendant man can think about is sex, food, fine wines, and everything that is material, including expensive cars and watches.

He wants to have a lot of money, so he will work hard and find a partner who is equal.

Stubborn and opinionated, he is also a loyal companion who desires a lifelong romantic relationship. However, he can expect too much from women, so he will have adventure short and quick. He has a high libido and is a romantic husband who will always bring home beautiful gifts for his wife.

This is the Taurus Ascendant woman

The rising Taurus woman holds back in her emotions. When she’s mad at her partner, she just holds back all of her anger, so he may never find out she has a problem if she doesn’t pay attention to how she acts when she doesn’t speak.

This lady is the type that doesn’t abandon ship in strong winds, but she sure hates being pushed. If she is not happy with the way her relationship is going, you can be sure that she will look for someone else.

This lady is very much like the Taurus Rising man as she wants to have as many possessions as possible and demands a lot of your partner.

However, she is even more open to compromise and giving up some of her materialistic desires.. She doesn’t mind discovering a man little by little and enjoys sex, cooking and a comfortable life.

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Those with their Ascendant in Taurus possess strength, persistence, determination and loyalty.. They are obsessed with their own beliefs and usually take a long time to react. They don’t mind being a follower, but they hate being pushed or pushed.

Money and possessions are too big for them. These natives want to contribute to a greater good if they are allowed to do things slowly and gradually.

They love to see the results of their hard work, they don’t mind when others throw their unfinished projects at them. His determination and persistence will always make Taurus stand up successfully.

But they should try to be less rigid, possessive and jealous. It is important that they recognize fear and suffering because because of repulsion towards them, they cannot see these feelings in others.