Is yew poisonous to dogs? A dog expert clarifies!

European oak = “tree of death”?

Is yew poisonous to dogs? Today’s article deals with this question.

We tell you which parts of the tree poisonous are and when yew becomes a lethal dose for dogs!

The fact is: You are right to be alarmed when it comes to contact with dog and yew goes!

Is yew poisonous to dogs?

Yes, yew is extremely toxic to dogsbut not only for our favorite four-legged friends, but also for us and many other animal species.

Symptoms of yew poisoning in dogs

Your Dog came into contact with a yew tree and maybe even swallowed berries or needles?

Based on these symptoms, you can Poisoning in your dog recognize:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • restlessness
  • Dilated pupils
  • Strong salivation
  • apathy
  • increase in heart rate

In the case of poisoning by yew, the following symptoms are added:

  • coordination disorders
  • dizziness
  • drop in heart rate
  • shortness of breath
  • muscle tremors and cramps
  • lateral position
  • collapse or coma
  • Miscarriage in pregnant bitches

What dose is lethal to the dog?

The deadly yew dose for the dog: As little as 2.3 grams of needles per kilogram of body weight can be deadly for your dog.

Since all parts of the coniferous tree are highly poisonous, symptoms of poisoning can also occur when chewing on yew wood or swallowing the berries!

Dog ate yew – you should do that now

Act fast and one calm you need if your dog has eaten yew. The following scenario:

You took your dog for a walk and didn’t pay attention to where you were throwing his ball?

When picking up the toy, he accidentally has a decent portion Yew needles swallowed.

Now it is important to act quickly! The Poison of the Yew leads to impaired cardiac function within hours.

Don’t panic, you’re not helping your dog at all!

Instead of this contact your vet immediately and take your dog to the nearest veterinary practice.


As an emergency measure in case of poisoning activated charcoal tablets given to bind toxins in the body.

Please never do this on your own, but always in consultation with a veterinarian!

If you know 100% where your dog’s symptoms are coming from, you can discuss on the phonewhether you should give your dog activated charcoal!

I have yew trees in the garden – how do I protect my dog?

You will do yourself the greatest favor if you have the yew removed by a professional.

But the question is: who was there first, the yew tree or the dog?

You have moved and there is a magnificent yew hedge in the new garden? Well done.

What you should definitely do now is to protect your dog from itthat he comes into contact with the poison tree.

Already a small dose of poisonous yew can be deadly.

It is best to put one in the area of ​​the garden where the yew tree is Fence off – and then have them removed by the aforementioned professional.

If you live in a garden without a yew tree and you have dogs, then don’t plant any.

It goes without saying now that you’re around the high toxicity of this conifer know.

It is always advisable to engage with the local flora when you have dogs.

In this way you avoid ignorantly planting yew or other highly poisonous plants such as the laburnum, ivy or elder plants.

Conclusion: Yew – How toxic is it to dogs?

The native conifer is Thoroughly toxic to dogs!

Just that pulp of the berries is edible. However, small seeds are hidden inside, which are also poisonous …

If, for the sake of your dog, you Have yew removed from your garden If you want to, seek the help of a professional.

How to avoid the poisonous conifer having to tackle it yourself.

Should your dog accidentally Yew needles or berries swallowed If you have one, see a veterinarian immediately!

at best contact you tell him what symptoms your dog has while you are driving.

It is extremely important to act quickly! The poison of the yew means a deadly danger for dogs, cats, horses and also humans!

Do you have any questions about yew poisoning in dogs? Then please leave us a comment under this post.