Is there any relationship between the size of the penis and the size of the person’s hand?

There is not such a direct relationship. But it is correct to say that in healthy individuals there is harmony and proportionality between body measurements. “It seems intuitive to assume that individuals with shorter stature have smaller measurements than taller ones. To a certain extent, this is true, but there are numerous exceptions, which makes us leave aside this correlation between measurements”, says geneticist Luís Garcia Alonso, president of the Department of Clinical Genetics at Associação Paulista de Medicina. In other words: it’s quite risky to look at one body part to try to guess the size of another. The average length of the hand, between the wrist and the longest finger, is 17 to 18 centimeters. Already the penis in flaccid situation is 10 to 11 centimeters. There are also a number of diseases that make this association even more difficult. In Najjar syndrome, for example, those affected have an extremely small penis and normal hands.

On the other hand, in Roberts syndrome, patients have penises that are above average in length and hands that are normal or even small. “The ideal is to analyze each body measurement separately”, says Luís Garcia.

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– Can masturbation be harmful?

– Can the penis break when it’s hard?

– How many penises are amputated in Brazil per year

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