Is the Virgo man unfaithful? Signs that he may be cheating on you

Being with a Virgo can be difficult. Sure, he can be one of the most devoted and affectionate signs, but that’s going to be a double-edged sword..

Their feelings are easily hurt if their partner doesn’t show them enough appreciation. Not loving your Virgo well is what usually pushes them to cheat.

Five signs that a Virgo man is cheating on you

– There are sudden changes in their behavior.

– Keep avoiding you and talk very little.

– Doesn’t show any kind of affection.

– He has stopped making plans for the future with you.

– You catch him with a few innocent and unrelated lies.

These men are very harsh in judging themselves. Being their own worst critics can sometimes spill over onto you and more often than not they end up finding someone else who makes them feel unconditionally wanted and loved.

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Is the Virgo man faithful?

Contrary to the belief that they are a neat sign, the Virgo knows their way around the bed.. Virgos are sweet individuals, but they can turn sour very quickly if they think you may be unfaithful. In turn, this can turn them into cheaters. If you don’t give him enough reasons to trust you, he won’t have as many reasons to stay.

He will not betray you the moment things get ugly, he will think things through at first. No one likes to give up love just like that, especially Virgos.

Ruled by Mercury, a Virgo’s latent potential to reach out to people will always shine through. They can close a deal like no other and when planning a trip, be it for business or pleasure, you can be sure that no one would have done a more meticulous and better job of it. This is also evidence of a revved up intellect that most will find hard to compare, accompanied by a humorous side to match.

It’s hard for this man to find the right person. The criteria for the perfect match is unrealistic, to say the least. This is why you will often find him looking for that special someone, even when he is already in a relationship.

It will never be enough as you will keep searching and searching but never finding what you want. A vicious cycle that often labels the Virgo as a cheater, especially emotionally. They can’t help it.

There is one such particular creature that they have a soft spot for and it can be quite real. The Troublesome Maid or more commonly known as the damsel in distress. If she doesn’t fit any of the other criteria, but she comes across a woman with a troubled life and in need of help, Virgo could really sweep to the rescue and even stay after completing her mission.

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This can also be a fall. You will see that often a Virgo falls in love with friends who need help to overcome a rough patch in their lives, which means that there is a greater chance that they will cheat on you.

If you’re with a Virgo, you’ll quickly start to notice that they can’t stop talking. It’s not that I’m bragging. His ego is not so needy. What you are talking about is primarily in your interest. You see, the Virgo man in a relationship tends to have quite a few activities on the side.

These activities are usually art-oriented. Virgos are very artistic by nature. This is generally expressed in two ways. Art for the soul, which appeals to people’s minds and emotions.

From anything visual to anything you can hear, a Virgo could have it all. This is very useful when it comes to flirting with girls. You already know that you yourself are quite foolish for this romantic side of hers.

Another way to express your inner artist can be through business. Making plans to develop financially can be a work of art and the Virgo is the perfect artist for that.

If the Virgo man stops communicating about your efforts and even starts criticizing you, you might want to check your loyalty radar. These are sure signs that he might be cheating.

It can be a difficulty to be with a Virgo. It’s hard to pander to your ideals of what’s perfect and what shouldn’t be. They cannot ignore the fact that things are not as they imagined. And they are not silent about it.

They are very emotional people with ideals that easily harm them, since they are so unrealistic. This is often the cause of cheating or breaking up when it comes to Virgos, but this can also identify if your Virgo man is cheating.

If he stops complaining, if he seems colder, then surely something is wrong. Virgo is usually passionate and this behavioral contradiction is strong evidence that something is wrong. He could be sharing his feelings with some other woman.

Loyalty is not usually an issue when it comes to the Virgo. They are as good at it as they are at appearing loyal. Now his greatest strength may be that he deceives you in disguise. They need to know that you need them to stay loyal. Being of paramount importance is a consequence for them. It means a lot, to be important.

You can see this in how fiercely passionate he can be. Especially in bed. He will go to great lengths to make you need him at least there, in the sheets.

You shouldn’t have so much trouble with the Virgo. He is usually very realistic and serious in his relationships, especially if it is you. But keep in mind that this may all be an illusion.

They don’t normally cheat, but if they do, you may not find out. They are very good at keeping secrets and can be affectionate with many women at the same time without any of them knowing that they are just a piece of the puzzle.

It will be difficult, but keeping your eyes and ears open will help. Surely there is something that you will notice that will lead you to discover that he is cheating on you. A complete and opposite change in behavior is also a good indicator that he might be unfaithful.

| Canva Pro: Agustin Tarigo

How to stop a Virgo man from cheating on you

You can’t seem to find a fault with this man. Not that they are perfect, but they seem to be. If he cheats on you, you most likely won’t know until it’s too late, as they could probably lie their way out of hell.

You’ll usually realize he’s cheating when he realizes a woman can’t live up to his standards. There are not many things that she asks for.

It may just be a trait you are looking for and that trait will make all the difference. Finding out what he is will be the key to making this man yours forever. Virgo is a consistent man.

He doesn’t need these social constructs to show his love for you. You should be able to see it in the small, but ever-present acts of everyday life.

In the way he looks at you when you say his name, in the way he carries himself around you with pride and how he always seems to have something for you at those exact moments when you seem to need it the most.

You tend to have a repetitive cycle of how things are done in your life. Jump in and be a part of it and your Virgo won’t be able to get you out for a long, long time.

If you somehow managed to push him away, then don’t expect a makeover. Your best bet is to move on, as once love is forgotten for this man, nothing will remember him or bring him back.