Is the Taurus man unfaithful? Signs that he may be cheating on you

Fidelity is a fact and a duty when it comes to a Taurus. Being loyal to them is as natural as breathing, however, there are always exceptions.

Trick him and you might be served the same dish. Since Taurus tends to take sexual matters very seriously, there may be times when he will cheat on you simply for the thrill of the ride. Keep him yours by keeping him in bed and showing him how passionate you can be.

Five signs that a Taurus man may be cheating on you

– He has stopped using things that you have bought him and that he used to like.

– He prefers to spend his time with friends than with you.

– He no longer shows interest in the relationship.

– He does not hide that he is very friendly with certain women.

– He is rapidly losing patience with you and angrily deflects any suspicion.

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Is the Taurus man likely to be unfaithful?

The Taurus sign likes to take things slowly.. It will take a while for you to get to know someone until he feels comfortable to commit to a long-term relationship. Diving headfirst into one could prove fruitless.

Not knowing your partner might scare you into finding someone else you can meet before you give your heart away. These bulls love to chase the red flag of passion. They can’t help but crave that deep, fierce intimacy in a relationship.

In addition to this, they also have a strong need to belong. Certain conditions must be met for Taurus to feel the security that he wants.

Your ego plays a big and fragile role here. He needs you to need him or at least make him feel needed. If he doesn’t feel like he’s playing his part in your life, helping you where you need him most, even minimally, he’ll quickly start to feel threatened. That’s what scares this man the most.

That is also why he will always be there for you. All you have to do is call, whenever. Seriously, even in the middle of the night. Taurus will make you the most important thing in his life when he loves you. He will take care of all your needs no matter the time or place. There’s no way you’re going to see a loyal Taurus cancel a plan or leave you hanging at the last minute before a date.

It is when the opposite happens that you should start to worry. Sending you a message saying he can’t come over tonight can be a great indicator that something is up with your Taurus. I could be spending those nights with someone other than you.

If you are looking for a loyal partner, you will surely find one in Taurus.. If this man falls in love with you, it is unlikely that he will do the same with another woman.

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Social and financial status is of great importance to Taurus. It puts a great price on appearance. Society needs to know that he is a handsome and successful man.

No wonder your woman needs to be the same. Catching the eyes of the crowd can be your job if you’re with this person. As ugly as it sounds, you have to be her crown jewels from time to time and turn heads towards your Taurus.

It can be quite easy to tell if a Taurus is being unfaithful.. These men tend to offer their loved ones a great deal of affection and attention. If this has changed and you are not receiving the same love vibes from him, it may mean that someone else is. Another useful clue could be the behavior of your friends. Like the Taurus, their friends will also have the virtue of loyalty.

So, by trying to help their friend, they will keep their secret, but their faces will not feel guilty. Use this to your advantage and find out what’s going on.

Your relationships must be safe. If you show any signs of uncertainty or who knows, even deception, he might win you over.

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Yes, it is difficult for them to open up and this may be a bummer for you, but keep in mind that patience is universally valued. Show proof of this virtue and you will be paid ten times as much, as a Taurus will only have eyes for you.

He’s usually honest with his partner, but if you start noticing gaps in his honesty, big or small, take those moments of clarity to consider investigating this abnormal insincerity of his.

Lies could be the main clue that he has thoughts of cheating on you. Noticing this so early can be a blessing. The wisest choice would be to end things with him, run and never look back. Even if he tries to fix things, don’t let him.

His loyalty makes it hard to think he’ll ever cheat, but it happens.. And it is especially painful when a Taurus cheats on you, because his loyalty is given only to the person he loves and this means that he now loves someone else.

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How to stop a Taurus man from cheating on you

Making sure it’s all yours forever isn’t that hard, actually. Being ruled by Venus, Taurus thrives in an environment that exudes balance and tranquility.

If you want to please him, then you have to be the kind of woman who can provide and maintain that kind of common ground at all times.

Appealing to his intellect and comforting his needs are the perfect methods to maintain a relationship with this man, as he is an emotionally sensitive being who requires quite a bit of maintenance. You know the saying, keep his belly full and libido on the rise and your man will always come home. Well, this couldn’t be truer for Taurus.

If you don’t give him reasons to cheat, then he won’t.. Seeing how lazy and comfortable he can get if he’s sure you’re the one, he won’t even have the will or energy to think about cheating. Especially since he will be so busy cuddling with you.