Is rain a sign of good luck? On your birthday and New Year’s Day – – Spirituality Blog

When it rained on your birthday; Have you stopped to think if this is a sign from the spiritual realm? I doubt you have it.

You’ve probably been caught up in the euphoria, celebration, and fun that comes with birthdays.

Now, This is not a bad way to celebrate your birthday. I also have fun all day on my birthday. However, you should also make time to observe the events surrounding that day. This can serve as a prophetic vision of future events in this new phase of yours.

Every time it rains on your birthday, It is a spiritual sign.

Furthermore, one more day is important among several days of the year. This is New Year’s Day. Anything that happens during this day should not be trivialized. Every time it rains on New Year’s Day, it is a spiritual sign that carries several messages.

However, the question is about the omen it brings.

  • Does rain bring a good or bad omen?
  • If it rains on your birthday, is it a sign of good luck?
  • If it rains on New Year’s Day, is it a sign of good or bad luck?

These questions will be fully answered in this article.. Everything you need to know about the rain that falls on your birthday and New Year’s Day will be covered. Therefore, read on.

What does it mean spiritually when it rains?

The common spiritual meaning of rain is a blessing. Every religion and culture supports this meaning it is also believed that rain brings abundance to people’s businesses and careers.

Additionally, rain is believed to be a sign of an answered prayer. That is, every time you are praying to God, he will send rain as a sign that your prayers have been answered.

Now, in the Bible, the latter rain is associated with the wisdom of God, who is Jesus Christ.

Therefore, whenever the latter rain begins to fall at the end of the rainy season, let it remind you of God’s wisdom found in Jesus Christ.

Walking in the rain is synonymous with wisdom.

That is, the universe is revealing the wisdom that you have and how you can leverage it to solve people’s problems.

Seeing rain directs your attention to the hidden wisdom you have.

With this sign, You will be confident enough to put it to good use..

Is rain a sign of good luck?

Yes, rain is a sign of good luck. Every time it starts to rain, you will notice a sense of peace, comfort and joy on people’s faces, especially at night.

This also applies to spiritual matters. Rain is also an indicator of abundance and fertility.

For example, if you have not seen positive results from your business, dreaming about morning rain may be a sign that your business is failing. will start to give tremendous results.

Furthermore, rain is also a sign of revelation.

Beyond the physical things that rain accomplishes, it can open your mind to the potential you have.

When you see the rainwater falling down your face, this is a message from the universe to look within. As you pay attention to what you have within you, there will be clarity and a sense of self-worth.

Seeing it rain in a dream or in reality is a sign of good luck. It can be used to restore the health of your body, it can be used for financial luck, it can talk about your spiritual journey and many more.

Therefore, receive the message of the rain with optimism.

What does it mean when it rains on your birthday?

Whenever it rains on your birthday, the following are the possible meanings and prophecies about this phase of your life.

It’s time to change your circle:

When the rain interrupts your birthday plan with your friends, It’s a powerful message.. The universe has done this to get your attention and educate you more about the company it keeps.

In this new year of yours, It might be time to consider connecting with new people..

Now, this doesn’t mean that the people from your past are terrible. It could simply mean the end of his season in your life. So, it’s time to move on.


Every time it rains in the first hours of your birthday, It is a positive sign of blessing..

Ancient traditions believe that making a birthday wish in the rain leads to a quick manifestation of wishes.

Rain on your birthday is a sign that the The journey of the next 12 months will be full of incredible experiences..

Get ready for good luck, prosperity and strong health. When it rains on your birthday from 12 am to 4 am, it means that an exciting time awaits you in this new stage of your life.


Rain on your birthday brings clarity. Have you struggled with indecision in the past phase of your life?

Well, rain has come from the universe to wash away all confusion in your mind.

This new year is going to be full of clarity, wise decisions and sound judgments.

Rain means that you will have no problem understanding the will of the spiritual realm. It means you will always know what to do and design the best strategy to achieve what you are focused on.

It’s time to renew:

Birthdays can bring you to this point.

However, rain on your birthday intensifies the effect.

Every time it rains on your birthday, It means that you must seek spiritual renewal. That is to say, his spiritual senses are not as sharp as they used to be.

This new phase of your life needs an active spiritual mind.

That is why the universe has sent you this sign. With it, you can sharpen your spiritual senses to capture the different signs that will be presented to you in this new year.

These spiritual messages above are important. They will define the next year of your life. Therefore, you must become aware of all of them.

Rain on New Year’s Day Spiritual Meaning

After understanding the different spiritual meanings of rain on birthdays, it is time to analyze the spiritual meaning of rain on New Year’s Day. Does it have a spiritual meaning? Read on to find out.

You need to become more deliberate:

Did you have difficulty completing your goals last year? If so, then the New Year’s Day rain has come with the solution.

The reason for last year’s failure is that it was not deliberate enough to achieve those annual goals.

Every time it rains on New Year’s Day, It means you should become more deliberate..

This comes with discipline too.

You have to be willing to pay the price necessary for success. You have to be willing to let go of any form of distraction.

When this happens, The success you seek will be achieved within 7 months of the current year.

Let me give you another clue; Every time it starts to rain while you’re writing your New Year’s resolutions, it’s clear that the message is addressing your deliberate attitude toward achieving your goals.

Pay more attention to spirituality:

The New Year’s Day showers should draw your attention to spirituality.

In Africa, It is not normal for it to rain on New Year’s Day. The reason for this is that New Year’s Day falls during summer.

Therefore, whenever it rains, attention is instantly drawn to the spiritual realm, and this remains its posture throughout the year.

You can also get spiritual message from this.

With rain on New Year’s Day, pay attention to the spiritual world more often. The reason for this is due to the various spiritual signs that will come at auspicious times of the year (which you should not miss).


The New Year’s Day showers are full of promise. It is believed to be a prophetic message for everyone.

Let’s look at these promises:

  • Whenever the rain falls while you sleep, means that you will be comfortable all year round. So, it’s a good sign.
  • Every time the rain starts to fall when you need fresh airThis means that all your wishes and prayers for the year have been answered.
  • Every time the rain starts to fall in the morning, this is a sign of strength. That is, the strength you need to get through the new year has been provided to you by the universe.

You can start again:

New Year’s Day is a chance to start anew.

To intensify this message, the universe can cause rain. The combination of both signs should be enough motivation for you to start a new chapter in your life.

If your birthday falls on New Year’s Eve, then rain is an indication that your new year will be filled with new beginnings, success and prosperity.

What does rain mean in a relationship?

In a relationship, rain means the following:

  • It means peace: When rain begins to fall on your wedding anniversary, it is a sign that your relationship is about to experience a greater level of peace. It is believed that rain ends all forms of conflict between people.
  • It means a couple of perfect understanding: When the rain begins to fall heavily, the sound can prevent you from hearing others. However, when the rain begins to drizzle with little or no sound, it tends towards a relationship of perfect understanding. This means that it will be easy for you to understand your spouse, endure his faults, and walk in love with him.
  • It means that the universe approves of the relationship: Whenever it rains on the first night of your date, it is believed to be a good sign. Now, this is based on several superstitious beliefs. It is said that the best way for God to approve your love life is to send rain on your first date night.
  • Rain means good luck in the relationship: When rain soaks you and your spouse, it is believed to be a sign of God’s blessing. This is good luck.

Is rain on graduation day good luck?

Rain on your graduation day means nothing in the spiritual world.

However, your intention can harness the power of rain for your good luck.

For example: If you want to get a multinational job after graduation, rain on your graduation day could be an affirmation of your wishes. This may mean that your wishes have been granted.

Additionally, you can harness the power of rain for your mental stability after graduation. If you live in underdeveloped countries, getting a good job takes a long time.

Therefore, you must be mentally stable for the challenges ahead. One of the best ways to be prepared is to create this intention. with the rain on your graduation day.

Rain has positive energy around it, therefore, it is your disposition towards it that determines what you will enjoy.

Spiritual meaning of rain on the wedding day

When it rains on your wedding day, it means the following:

  • A sign of God’s approval;
  • A message of protection;
  • An assurance of marital bliss and joy;
  • A message of hope.

Rain on your wedding day is a sign from the spiritual realm.

This means that God’s blessing will remain in marriage. If it rains at night, it is best to take some for yourself…