Is Monstera (Monster Leaf) Poisonous to Dogs? An expert explains!

Is Monstera Toxic to Dogs? What exactly is Monstera and whether and why can it be dangerous for our furry friends?

Let’s take a look at the following guide, what this plant is all about, how you can recognize Monstera poisoning in dogs and then what to do.

Is Monstera Toxic to Dogs?

The short, clear & concise answer to the question of whether Monstera is poisonous to dogs is «Yes».

In fact, the houseplant, also known as window leaf, to the really dangerous plants for dogs.

All plant parts should never be within the reach of dogs.

Then not just the leaves are dangerous – too the roots, shoots and the so-called aerial roots are highly toxic!

For People are only the fruits of the monstera deliciosa finewhich because of their shape and taste as pineapple banana be designated.

Not just for dogs is Monstera really dangerous. Also for Cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and rodents the window leaf can become a threat to life.

It is different with fishing. These are immune to the toxins it contains – and so Monstera is used, among other things, for cleaning aquariums.

But why is Monstera, which looks so harmless, so poisonous? reason are different fabricscontained in the plant:

Already knew?

Monstera/Monstera belongs to the family of the so-called aroids. And these are invariably poisonous – and not just for animals, but also for us humans.

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Symptoms: How do I recognize Monstera poisoning?

You can recognize them Monstera poisoning of these symptoms:

  • shortness of breath
  • stomach pain
  • dysphagia
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Increased salivation
  • Irritation/swelling of the mucous membrane of the mouth

this list indicates LIGHT Monstera poisoning.

As you can see, the list of symptomswhich a dog ate the Monstera shows long.

And it’s huge important that you save all signsif you have window leaf in your apartment/house.

does your dog have one heavy poisoning through the window leaf? Then these symptoms are a reason to sound the alarm:

  • Kidney problems & increased urination
  • inability to urinate
  • Apnea
  • heart problems

Reading tip: Wondering if bamboo is toxic to dogs? Find out all about it in our article on «Bamboo is poisonous to dogs» and ensure the safety of your beloved four-legged friend. Read more about it with us now!

What to do if my dog ​​ate Monstera?

If your dog has eaten Monstera, the first thing you should do is keep calm and not panic.

Because your dog knows he’s feeling bad. He needs you to make you feel like everything is going to be okay.

Then you make your fur nose please get ready for the trip to the vet – as it is about an emergency trades, you should be here directly present become.

It still makes sense Notify the vet en route of your arrival and the specific reason for the emergency visit.

Reading tip: If you would like to learn more about the topic «dandelion dog», then read our detailed article on it.

When should I go to the vet?

You should go to the vet immediately.

Independently of, how much or how little your dog ate of the plant – the Poisoning can be life-threatening become!

Only a specialist can do this here provide necessary and life-saving assistance – please so refrain from any first aid measures in advance!

How can I prevent my dog ​​from eating Monstera?

The safest wayto avoid your dog eating Monstera not to bring this plant into your home in the first place.

In addition, if you do have it, it should be on stand in a place that your fur nose cannot access has.


Monstera, the popular Monstera, is a plant that is highly toxic for dogs, in which really every part as far as possible away from the fur noses should be.

Because by eating monstera poisoning is triggeredshould you go straight to your veterinarian – because every second can count.

We hope you haven’t had any experience with your dog and Monstera!

If that’s the case, we hope everything went well. And we would be happy if you share your experiences with us in the comments as a help for other dog owners.