Is living without social media a better way of living? – Online Psychologists

In the 21st century living without social media It seems crazy. Users are getting younger and younger, because, as every parent will have heard at some point, not having an Instagram account can be enough reason to ostracize someone at school.

Besides, who would want to live offline in an age where it seems that the more followers you have, the more successful you are? Who can risk losing the job opportunities that LinkedIn brings? How can you live without the visibility that Twitter brings? How can you find out about the latest trends if you don't have Instagram?

Closing your social media seems like a crazy move. It means sacrificing some of your status, right? Get disconnected of those around you, out of touch.

But the truth is that more and more people are opting for it. And not just ordinary people, tired of endlessly browsing Instagram or reading endless discussions on Twitter. brands, such as Lush or Bottega Veneta, and celebrities like Lorde or Kate Winslet.

Why does this happen?

The reasons are varied. The legendary protagonist of Titanic, for example, claims to be concerned about the negative consequences of social media. She claims that undermine people's self-esteem and prevents young people from enjoying a normal, everyday life, away from the public eye.

For her part, Lorde, who does not need social networks to be one of the most famous names in the music industry, said in an interview with the magazine Interview who felt like she was losing her freedom. “Part of the reason I left social media was because of the huge amounts of stress «what I felt about the state of the planet and about racism and police brutality in the United States,» he added.

The CEO of Lush, one of the most famous natural cosmetics brands of the moment, said he was «happy to lose 13 million dollars by closing its social networks» for ethical reasons. The lack of transparency and the negative effect of social media on mental health were the straw that broke the camel's back for those responsible for the brand.

The effects of Facebook and Instagram on mental health

October 2021 was not a good month for Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook and Instagram. The first day of the month The Wall Street Journal public The Facebook Files: an investigation that revealed the flaws of these platforms:

  • Instagram negatively affects body image perception one in three teenage girls. “When they feel bad about their bodies, Instagram makes them feel even worse,” the researchers said.
  • Teenagers believe that Instagram makes your anxiety and depression levels rise.
  • 6% of American teen-aged users who had had suicidal thoughts attributed these ideas to the effects of Instagram. Among British teenagers, the figure rose to 13%.
  • Instagram increases the tendency of its users to compare yourself to others.
  • Facebook causes greater addiction than any other social network. Interestingly, in 2019 Facebook shut down a team that was dedicated to addressing the platform's negative effects on mental health.
  • Facebook users tend to be less productiveThe need to check what is happening on the social network prevents many of its users from completing tasks.
  • Facebook disrupts sleep patterns and can cause insomnia in users who use the platform at night.
  • Facebook users' personal relationships worsened as a result of using the app. In fact, researchers found that «Some parents were more focused on looking at Facebook than on taking care of their children.»
  • Its users claimed to feel Pressure to respond to messages.

These are some of the reasons why many people consider living without social media to take care of their mental health.

Social media has the power to connect, but also to distort our perception of reality, creating a dichotomy between the life we ​​live and the one we exhibit, generating profound effects on our self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Jorge Bucay

If you are also experiencing problems related to compulsive use of social media and don't know how to break free, contacting an online psychologist could be the solution.

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Overcome your addiction to social media and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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These are the main benefits of living without social media

Clearly, quitting social media can be a relatively easy way to take care of your mental health.

But, just in case you're still not entirely convinced, here are some of the Reasons why living without social media can be beneficial for mental health:

  • You will be able to spend more time with your loved ones: A study conducted by Rastreator in 2020 revealed that Spaniards use their mobile phones an average of 4 hours and 10 minutes a day. Among young people, the average consumption is 6 hours and 43 minutes. Spending too much time glued to the mobile phone can make you forget to chat and enjoy the company of your loved ones. Luckily, spending time with them again is as easy as turning off the screens and reconnecting with life.
  • You will have deeper relationships: Did you know that using social media too much favors the creation of liquid relationshipsThese are fragile, shallow and easy-to-break bonds that do not fully satisfy our needs as social beings. If you start to interact with people face to face, you will find that your relationships improve and, in addition, they will make you much happier.
  • You will reduce the risk of suffering from psychological disorders: We have already seen that Instagram and Facebook are increasingly experiencing psychological disorders among their users. Depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, sleep disorders… If you can distance yourself from social media, you will also distance yourself from the pressures that come with perfect images and idealized lives. We have no doubt that you will gain in mental health.
  • You will be less likely to develop physical problems: Excessive use of social media is associated with a sedentary lifestyle. And sedentary people are more likely to suffer from problems such as obesity, cholesterol and diabetes. If you use part of the time you spend on social media to walk or do physical exercise, you will surely feel better. This is because, when you exercise, you release serotonin and endorphins, two substances related to pleasure and well-being.
  • You will reduce the risk of becoming addicted to social networks: Social media can have a similar effect on the brain as drugs and alcohol. This is because when you receive a “like,” your brain activates the brain receptors responsible for responding to pleasureso you feel a momentary high that can end up being addictive.

You don't have to quit social media drastically, let alone for good. Simply cutting back on it can have huge benefits for your mental health.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
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  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
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