Is it true that dogs and cats see in black and white?

This is just a myth. These animals can see colors, yes, although in a more limited way than we do. Unlike humans, who have three types of pigments in the retina capable of capturing blue, red and green (which, combined, form many other colors), dogs and cats only have two pigments, which reduces the color spectrum. that they can identify. «Some researchers believe that they see blue and yellow, while others defend that they see blue and red, but all are unanimous in saying that they do not perceive green», says veterinarian Adriana Teixeira, specialist in animal ophthalmology.

This visual limitation, however, is not a problem, as the animals compensate for it in other ways. Dogs and cats, for example, can see very well in dim light, are able to differentiate various shades of gray and have enormous ability to detect movement.

In time: there are, yes, animals that see in black and white, but they are few. Among them are abyssal fish, which, by the way, do not suffer much from this. After all, in the depths of the seas, where the lighting is very low, there are hardly any colors to see.

(Alessandra Kalko montage on Frans Lanting/Corbis/Stock photos, icons Estúdio Mol/)

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As our eyes have photoreceptor cells for blue, green and red colors, we see a wide spectrum of colors in daylight and are able to capture well-defined images.

(Alessandra Kalko montage on Frans Lanting/Corbis/Stock photos, icons Estúdio Mol/)

Dogs and cats have some disadvantages. Both see in color, but the colors are more faded compared to what humans see. In addition, they capture images with little definition and do not perceive green, seeing shades ranging from gray to black instead.

(Alessandra Kalko montage on Frans Lanting/Corbis/Stock photos, icons Estúdio Mol/)

They see with strange variations in color. For example, where we see red, they see black; where there is blue, green enters. In addition, as they capture ultraviolet radiation, where there is black, they see violet

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