He iris It is one of the most beautiful and noble flowers that you will find and you must add to your garden without thinking twice. It is a popular plant thanks to its colors and its special meaning, so it will be impossible for you to resist your petals will transmit a lot of peace of mind.
Iris is very resistant and their care is nothing demanding so you are barely getting involved in the world of plants, it will not cause you complications. In fact, you will love to take it home because it will adapt easily and its colors will injection life.
The iris was a symbol of the French monarchy during the Middle AgesEarl Wilcox / Unspash
History of Iris
The ancient Greeks were fascinated with the colored show of this flower, similar to those of the rainbow that linked the earthly world with the heavenly, therefore, they baptized her in honor of the goddess Iris. Also, the iris It was a symbol of the French monarchy during the Middle Ages, recognized as the «Fleur-de-Lis».
He iris It has more than 200 colorful variations that are part of the Iridáceas family and come from the temperate areas of Europe, Africa, Asia and America.
Iris have different meanings depending on their color, for example, blue iris are good news.Rafael Rodrigues / Pexels
What meaning the iris plant has
The Iris flowers They symbolize news or hope because they are associated with the arrival of the goddess Iris, who was in charge of bringing news to humans by the gods. There were times when the noticas were bad, but in the majority their arrival gave a lot of hope.
They also have different meanings depending on their color, for example, the blue iris They are good news; White is a way of giving hope, in addition to representing purity; while common iris helps with elements of spiritual elevation.