Interpretation of candles – Seers and Tarot readers

For centuries, candle magic has been used for the purpose of requesting, healing or attracting love. In the same way, it is also used to ward off unwanted people or to purify ourselves after being the object of an evil eye. To discover the correct interpretation of the candlesit is necessary to analyze, among other aspects, its color and the way the candle burns when lit and how it is consumed.

Interpretation of the candles

Consecrating the candles is important

First of all, you should know that color is very important when performing magic with candles. In addition, they always have to be consecrated with olive oil and coarse salt. The consecration is done by rubbing the candle from bottom to top in circular motions about seven times.

There are some rituals that require consecration with other ingredients such as sugar for love, rosemary to break curses and cinnamon for financial reasons.

You have to light them with matches and you should never blow them out. It is not always necessary for the candle to burn out, but it can be extinguished with a spoon, for example.

Rituals with candles and their colors

green candles

Green candles represent the Earth element, herbs, nature and the north. They are linked to the prosperity, luck, money and rejuvenation.

If the candles are very dark they represent jealousy and ambition. They are used to push these feelings away from you or to achieve personal goals. They are also great for increasing money, success, growth, or healing.

yellow candles

Yellow is a color that enhances imagination and concentration. It is very useful to unblock the mind in stressful situations. They are also generally used in rituals to attract money.

represent intellect, wisdom, creativity and study.

red candles

This color strengthens magnetism in rituals, it is used for love and couple themes. Represents the physical pleasures, passion and love. It is often used in fertility spells.

Red is related to strength, vitality, sex, attraction and desire.

white candles

The white color represents balance, purification, spiritual strength and cleansing. It is used to repel negative energy and to protect us from dark magic spells. It will help you in spiritual enlightenment, growth and the search for truth.

Remember that the white candle can replace any other.

pink candles

The pink color represents love and the friendship. It attracts spiritual love. Pink is associated with femininity, compassion and joy. It also has healing connotations for anxiety problems or heart problems. Helps eliminate nightmares.

Dark pink candles are more related to family and friends, tenderness and faith.

golden candles

The golden color is usually used for rituals that attract the money and wealth, as well as material abundance, of whatever kind. It also enhances communication and cosmic influences in a similar way that yellow or green colored candles do.

silver candles

They are used to encourage stability. They are used to enhance clairvoyance and intuition. It is a candle that is often used to enhance instinct and astral energies.

turquoise candles

Turquoise is appropriate for healing and prosperity. It also enhances meditation and creativity.

Rituals with violet candles

It is the color of spirituality and wisdom par excellence. It is used to contact oneself and to relax and calm down. You can also use it to meditate and achieve great spirituality and energy when performing rituals.

blue candles

Blue is used for matters of Health and to get Peace of mind. It is the color of the body and mind. It helps you gain inner light and peace. Therefore, it is frequently used to improve the quality of sleep at night and avoid insomnia.

orange candles

They are ideal for new beginnings in study and work issues, to be able to face sudden changes and adapt as soon as possible to what is new. It is used to find balance.

black candles

Contrary to popular belief, the interpretation of black candles it is not linked to black magic. Quite the contrary, they are excellent for eliminating bad energies, as they absorb and burn them. They are also used for curing diseases.

Keep in mind that these considerations are general and that you always have to pay attention to the ritual that you are going to do, since each one of them will tell you how to proceed. But the interpretation of the candles it is always better to check with subject matter experts.