International Bisexuality Day – Online Psychologists

September 23 is International Bisexuality Day. Also known as the International Bisexuality Day, Pride Day or Bisexual Visibility DayThis day is a call for all people to recognize and celebrate bisexuality – history, community, culture and people.

Why is International Bisexuality Day celebrated?

Despite its true meaning:

Bisexuality: Erotic inclination towards individuals of both sexes.

Royal Spanish Academy

There are still those who understand bisexuality as a period between heterosexuality and homosexuality, or a denial of the latter. This popularized idea is one of the reasons why Bisexual activist organizations established a day to demand recognition.

However, and although this was the trigger for its origin in the United States, there are many reasons behind this celebration. One of them is the data offered by Spanish national media:

«The number of The number of hate crime-related attacks has been increasing in Spain for several years. Between 2013 and 2019, increased by 45%according to data collected by the Ministry of the Interior's Statistical Portal on Criminality.»

The Confidential

Similarly, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity also increased in 2019 compared to 2018, as the number of criminal and administrative violations went from 259 to 283, almost 10% more.

«In 2021, According to calculations by the Ministry of the Interior748 hate crimes have been recorded as of July 31. These have increased by 9.3% in the first six months of 2021 compared to 2019.

The Sixth

The physical and verbal violence and discrimination against the collective, as well as the lack of information about bisexuality and its culture, history and community have driven the celebration of this day internationally.

The purpose of this International Day is to make visible and normalize bisexuality, the freedom for bisexual peoplewhile breaking with biphobiathe invisibilitythe oppression and negative beliefs towards bisexuals.

How did International Bisexuality Day come about?

As mentioned above, the origin of this day is located in USA. TO early 90s Bisexual activist organizations began to gather to demand social recognition.

However, it would not be until the end of the decade, in 1999when it was established International Bisexuality Day at the annual conference of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA).

The initiative was promoted by three American bisexual activists: Wendy Curry, Michael Page and Gigi Raven Wilbur.

Why September 23?

The reason or reasons for which this day was dated September 23 are not clearsince there is no clear evidence of this. However, some claim that this date is due to the day of the death of the neurologist, Sigmund Freudthe first person to study bisexuality.

Others point out that it is due to birthday from one of its greatest promoters: Gigi RavenThe third popular theory is that September was chosen because it was the month in which he was born. Freddy Mercurywhom Wendy, Michael, and Gigi all admired for her display of bisexuality.

This icon of world music He openly acknowledged his bisexuality through the song 'Bohemian Rhapsody'a revealing piece in which the Queen singer explained his personal experience:

Mom, I just killed a man,

I put a gun to his head,

I pulled the trigger.

Now he is dead.

Mom, life has just begun.

Mamma, Queen

Bisexual community flag

With solid reasons to fight for and an international day to claim them, all that was missing was a representative symbol of the bisexual community.

As a solution, Michael Page designed the bisexual flag with the intention that all people who felt sexual attraction towards men and women would identify themselves and become part of the collective.

The purpose of this symbol is increase the visibility of the bisexual community within both the homosexual and heterosexual communities.

The colors that Michael Page chose are:

  • He magentato represent attraction to people of the same sex.
  • He bluerepresenting heterosexuality.
  • He purplewhich symbolizes the mixture of the two previous ones, a spectrum that covers sexuality between the two genders.

Recognition of bisexuality

In addition to Freddy Mercury, there have been many celebrities who have openly acknowledged their sexual orientation. Among them are:

Katy Perry. During a speech in Los Angeles as part of the ceremony Human Rights Campaign Galathe The singer assured what many did not expect to hearbut they had suspected it for years.

«I'm just a singer and songwriter, really. I talk about my own story and portray my fantasies in those pop songs. For example, in 'I kissed a girl and I liked it', Truth be told, I did more than that.«, she said when she went up to collect the National Equality Award.

Kristen Stewart“It's been tough. It's been weird. It's like that for everyone.” In the interview with InStylethe actress revealed that “being a queer person, there are things that constantly hurt.”

The list continues with: Amber Heard, Amy Winehouse, Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Cary Grant, Channing Tatum, Christina Aguilera, Cynthia Nixon, David Bowie, Demi Moore, Drew Barrimore, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Miranda Kerr, Paris Jackson, Rita Ora, Sarah Paulson, Shailene Woodley and Sophie Turner.

Spain, the European country with the largest population that declares itself non-heterosexual

The data obtained in the survey of Ipsos on the visibility and public perception of the LGTBI+ community, carried out on a total of 19,069 people from 27 countries and published in several media such as El Confidencial and El Huffingtonpost reveal the following:

A 78% of Spaniards declare themselves heterosexual and 12% identify with another genderSpecifically, 6% of the Spanish says to be bisexual, 5% gay and the other 1% pansexual or omnisexual.

This 12% compared to 11% in Germany and the United Kingdom and 10% in the Netherlands, Belgium and Sweden, places Spain as the third country in the world and the first in Europe with the largest non-heterosexual population.