Indigo children: who they are and how to identify them – Online Psychologists

The iChildhood It is a very complex stage of life with much to celebrate and, at times, a world of insecurities for new parents. Each child is a world with different patterns of behavior that we must observe. Parents tend to consider certain attitudes as “normal” without being aware of the number of factors that may be affecting these attitudes.

That's why in Psychia We wanted to investigate to know more about childhood and its variants, specifically, about the indigo children.

What are indigo children?

The term “indigo child” It has begun to be used in a context of the so-called “New Age”. It is mainly used to refer to those children who could be found in a higher stratum in terms of human evolution. This evolution is identified with a step ahead in the field ethical and mental. For Charles Darwin it would correspond to a selection and variation due to differential survival.

The moderate current indicates that indigo children have greater ability to empathize or greater creativity.

For many, the phenomenon of indigo children is considered a myth because there is no clear scientific study that can confirm it. However, since the last third of the 20th century, schools have been created to train this type of children.

What are the characteristics of indigo children?

  • Greater capacity imagination.
  • Intuition overdeveloped.
  • Spontaneity at higher than normal levels.
  • Rejection of a strict morality.
  • Great sensitivity.
  • Low capacities for the concentration.
  • Resists memorize mechanically or be a mere listener.
  • It doesn't last long sitting time unless you are dealing with a topic that interests you a lot.
  • Energy excessively.
  • Curiosity for everything around them and concern for its explanation.
  • Strong feeling to generate a “significant difference”.

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What are the types of indigo children that we can find?

The artist

This is a child who enjoys a great sensitivity which makes him lean towards the world of art. They have creativity which can turn them into the teachers or artists of tomorrow. Whatever profession they occupy, creativity will always be present in their lives, whether as researchers if they work in the world of medicine or as actors if they work in the field of performing arts, for example. It is said that in the period of time between 4 and 10 years they could be immersed in up to 15 activities related to creativity. They would dedicate 5 minutes to each one and then abandon them.

The humanist

They are children who generally direct their lives towards working with the masses, occupying jobs as doctors, lawyers, teachers, politicians or merchants. They tend to be very open, active and sociable sometimes bordering on the limits of hyperactivity or clumsiness. A child with these characteristics might not know how to play with a toy, but instead would take out all its parts, observe them and then not touch them again. They are people with poor memory in childhood, they need to be constantly reminded of everything because they do not assimilate orders and have great power of distraction. They also excel in the field of reading.

— siquia | psychologists (@siquiacom) September 3, 2023

The interdimensional

They are loners and believe they know everything and control the situation at any given time. They will be responsible for introducing new philosophies and spiritual themes into our world. Over time they can become aggressive people partly because they do not fit with too many personality types.

The conceptual

They tend to be more interested in projects than in people themselves. In their daily lives they work as designers, architects, pilots or engineers. They are controllers, usually athletic in physical form and with a good sense of humor. tendency toward addiction. Parents should focus especially on controlling these behavioral patterns.

How to stimulate indigo children?

  • Enhance your creativity.
  • Sign him up for activities where he can give free rein to reflection and analysis.
  • Satisfy their curiosity about more philosophical or spiritual topics. You can do this, for example, by buying age-appropriate books on mythology.
  • Promotes self-assessment mechanisms.
  • Promotes the search for knowledge exploring and experimenting and avoids learning by rote and mechanical repetition.
  • Constantly encourage indigo children to be responsible and autonomous in their learning process.
  • Encourage children to carry out charitable activities outside of normal school hours.
  • If possible, sign him up for a school where there is small groups.

What can we do as parents with an indigo child?

  • We must treat them with I respect and honor their differentiating qualities.
  • Help them as parents to find their own solutions regarding disciplinary issues.
  • Always give them a choice with their own criteria.
  • Never fall into contempt or attitudes that make them feel small.
  • Explain why of things in the best possible way, avoiding phrases like “because I said so.”
  • Provide them security and support leaving negative criticism behind.
  • Don't tell them who they are or who they will be in the future, let them be They who decide what interests them and how they want to get there.

Going to a psychologist during childhood can prevent problems in adulthood

Child psychology is relatively easy, because children's brains have not yet fully developed and it is easier to modify their way of thinking.

A child is like a blank sheet of paper in which it is easier to relocate possibly damaged emotions. In an adult, the emotional burden that he carries makes it difficult for him to abandon the emotions that are hurting him in order to move on to a more adaptive situation. He is afraid of the situation of discomfort and uneasiness that he is going to go through. This fear does not exist in children.

This is partly because The healing process in an adult is more complex. When we are older, we accumulate positive and negative experiences, learning, knowledge and experiences that have influenced childhood traumas. These traumas, relatively simple in childhood, become complex with the baggage of experiences we accumulate behind us.

It is essential that as a society, we continue to promote acceptance and understanding of diversity in child development, recognizing that each child is unique and may have potential that requires specific support and guidance.

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