According to the world of parapsychology and according to some spiritual currents, such as the New Age, for more than half a century we have witnessed the birth of children with special characteristics, which are expressed through the irradiation of the colors of their aura and patterns. specific energetics. Among this group are the indigo, crystal, rainbow and diamond children.

Indigo, crystal, rainbow and diamond children have some characteristics in common such as sensitivity, there are also very clear differences, such as the decades of their birth and others that we will see below.

Indigo children: The concept of indigo children arose more than 30 years ago when a group of authors threw their theories about them. One of the pioneers in this area was the parapsychologist Nancy Ann Tappe, who in 1980 published a book discussing the phenomenon she had observed in a significant number of children in recent years, according to which they had an indigo-colored aura.

In general, these children rebel against the imposed order in many areas, therefore, they do not like to receive orders, although they are also usually sensitive and creative. They always seek to do things for themselves, and above all, they stay away from dishonesty and manipulation.

Likewise, they are highly intuitive beings with psychic abilities, clairvoyance and premonitory dreams.

crystal kids: They are children who, according to parapsychology, descend from the indigos; Unlike the first ones, these are not called that because of the color of their aura, but because of the vibration. These children are often diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), as they are often self-absorbed.

From a developmental point of view, they can take up to three years to speak, although they improve their communication skills with parents through gestures. In their growth it is possible to appreciate their sensitivity, warmth and affection towards those around them.

Rainbow Children: Rainbow children are considered to be those who have been born since 2000. Unlike indigos or crystals, they are characterized by having different types of energy, which makes it very easy for them to recover from negative emotions, easily achieving their emotional balance.

In addition, these children are considered to have special abilities as a medium or to heal through their high energy. Likewise, they are beings who are not afraid of anything and feel that their main mission is to help humanity.

diamond children: they are the last generation of special children that has arrived on Earth—in 2009, thanks to the occurrence of important planetary alignments—and they owe their name to the white aura they radiate, channeling energy.

Children who fall into this classification tend to be intuitive, psychic and mystical, although from a physical point of view they are hypersensitive and therefore may experience health problems.

From an energetic point of view and according to the beliefs that support these definitions of children, the main mission of these beings is to create peace and balance through their actions.