Incredible Pillow Love Spell (She’ll Think of You and Dream of You TODAY)

First of all I’m going to ask you something 👉 I want you to calmly read ALL this Spell today, until the end. Because you are going to learn in great detail, and as no one has ever explained to you, the strongest and most powerful Pillow Love Spell to make him think of you, dream of you and not be able to get out of your thoughts.

Click to see all my spells

I am excited to see you here again, whether you are a regular reader or a new reader, welcome back, thanks for being here reading this new entry. You already know that I help you improve your lifeday after day If this is the first time you read Spell.netwelcome, enjoy the wisdom and the power that I give for help you achieve your goalsin addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

This white magic spell is used so that the person you love thinks of you, dreams of you and cannot get you out of their head.

And you can throw it to a person you like or to your partner, so that they always have you in mind!

You can use the Powerful Pillow Love Spell in any relationship, because its effectiveness, positive results and the changes in that person you want, love or yearn for are simply spectacular.

Do you want him or her to think and dream of you TONIGHT? 😴 🛌

If you answered yes, continue reading very carefully and do not forget to copy and write down all the ingredients and how it is made.

Because you can change the course of your Love with the most powerful and strongest of the Pillow Spells.

What is this Pillow Love Spell about?

This Ritual is also known as the Effective Paper and Pillow Spell or the Paper and Pillow Love Ritual.

This is because only with very few simple ingredients and using the pillow we sleep on, we consider a spectacular result in the person we love, be it a boy or a girl 👫

Also, this ritual, or White Magic of Love witchcraft, you are only going to read it here, in the incredible Community 👉 You will not read it from forums and other blogs, because this spell does work quickly, strongly and 100% safe.

How to Make a Homemade and Strong Love Spell with Paper or Photo and Pillow 😴

Many people think that Magic is something that doesn’t work, that it disappeared from this World a long time ago or that it is expensive and complicated to perform 📏

But I will confess something to you my dear reader: It is not true at all! ✌

And the best way to check how effective this ritual of White Magic with Pillow and paper is by carrying it out.

As hundreds of people around the world have already done 🌎

Shall we start the most famous pillow love spell? 💚

Ingredients to Make the Under the Pillow Spell

Next, you have the list with the simple and natural ingredients that you need to successfully perform this powerful Love Spell.

📒 List of Ingredients:

👉 A sheet and a black pen or marker (ie a small piece of paper, it doesn’t have to be big).

👉 An empty glass.

👉 A plate.

👉 Sugar, either brown or white.

👉 Get out.

👉 A few drops of milk, it can be cow, sheep… Although it will be perfect if it is fresh, it will also serve you bottled from the supermarket. It doesn’t matter if it’s skim or regular.

👉 Optional ingredient: A photograph of the loved, desired, longed for or beloved person.

Before continuing!

Do you have bad luck in love? 💔 Sometimes it is common for external attacks to deteriorate our sentimental relationships. For that reason, it can be an excellent plan to carry out the following 2 actions:

✔ Before doing this Love Spell, perform the Powerful Cleaning Ritual for a House (the same day or a few hours before) 🏡

✔ And after 15 days from this Love ritual, make and develop your own Witch’s Bottle Spell (Spiritual Protection and Tomb-All works against you).

Characteristics of the powerful recipe for Homemade Witchcraft with Pillow for Love.

🔍 Spell Theme: Spell – Love – Pillow and Paper.

⭐️ Effectiveness: High.

✅ Difficulty: Low.

📚 Spell Type: Pillow Love Spell to make him Think of Me and Dream of Me tonight (Right Now).

Pillow Love Spell: Simple Step-by-Step Guide

1. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and look for a day when you feel especially calm, at peace with yourself and feel that you have the power and will to improve and attract your image to the mind of your loved one or desired person.

Next, you have a table with the characteristics that you must have on the day you choose to perform this spell with a Pillow.

📆 Best day to perform this ritual: You can perform the ritual of the pillow and bed on any day of the week.

⏳ Time of day: the spell will be more powerful if we do it at night. And it is that, in the esoteric treatises themselves 📚 it is stated that the person will dream of you the same night you perform this pillow spell.

🌙 Lunar phase: the idea is that the energies of the moon help us reach the person we want to appear to in dreams, and, during the full moon, it is much easier to achieve it. In addition, if we take into account that the person must receive your image in dreams, it will also be useful to do it in the growing phase. However, if you have urgency, you can do it in another lunar phase, since there are always results 👍

🌠 Most suitable place to perform this spell: it will be important that you perform the love ritual so that he dreams of you in your own room, near the bed. If you can’t do it there, you can also do it in a quiet room or room, where you won’t be interrupted.

✔️ If you need to repeat the spell to increase its effectiveness: remember to leave at least 15 days between one pillow spell and the next. In the same way, if you need to do another spell, I recommend that you also allow 15 days to pass.

two. Once you are sure that you have chosen the correct day and meet the rest of the requirements, it is time to start. Thus, you can perform this pillow spell to make him think of you on the floor or on a piece of furniture or desk. As you wish.

3. Attention!
White magic “pillow” spells are made so that your loved one or someone you want dreams of you and thinks of you 🤗

However, dreaming of you, for each person, can mean something different. It is very important that your white magic spell is intended to achieve something specific: arouse curiosity, attract attention, reveal your existence to someone, fall in love…

👉 Therefore, before starting the ritual, decide what you want to achieve

Four. Start by placing the plate in front of you, in the center, either on a desk, in the dream… And make a thin circle with salt, as you can see in the following image. And he places the empty glass in the middle of the plate. Quick results in your powerful Love Pillow Spell! 🛌 💖

5. Next, write on the paper, with the black ink pen or marker, the following message:


“I come from afar, to be close.

I come in the night, to be in your light.

Being in this bed me, you dream of me”

6. Now, on the back of the sheet, you must write the name of the person you want to attract, love or like.


You can write just their name, their full name, or their initials.

📣 If you don’t know his name, just write what represents him. For example: “the boy I like”, “my co-worker that I love”, etc.

If you have decided to use the optional ingredient (the photograph of the loved, desired, desired or beloved person 📸) you must stick it with adhesive tape, glue or staple it right next to their name.

7. Then fold the sheet several times and put it inside the empty glass. Now bury the leaf with sugar, until you can’t see it.

To do this, fill the glass with sugar. You don’t need to fill it all the way, just add sugar until you can’t see the top of the paper.

Continue your Paper and Pillow Love spell by pouring a few drops of milk over the sugar.

To do this, you can help yourself with your own fingers 🖐, while you throw the drops of milk, pronounce the following phrase out loud:


«Just as milk puts you to sleep,

Just as sugar sweetens you,

We’ll be together tonight

In your best dreams.»

Once you read it, remain silent for a few minutes, with your eyes closed, visualizing inside yourself what you want to achieve (and feel that you have ALREADY achieved it 👍)

Remember, as I explained to you before, that it can be arousing his curiosity, drawing his attention, discovering your existence, making him fall in love, starting to go out with her, etc.

8. Finally, throw away the salt from the circle on the plate and the sugar from the glass.

With the plate and glass, once clean, you can use them in your kitchen or in other rituals.

And with the piece of paper you must put it, right at that moment, under your pillow.

It can be between the bed and the pillow 🛏 or inside the pillow itself (in the filling or the cover).

He will think of you and dream of you with this ESOTERIC White Magic Spell of Love with the Pillow!

It must remain there for AT LEAST 15 days. This way you make sure that the effects come to your life.

My advice is to stay there until the desired person begins to approach you, which can happen in a matter of hours or days. Once this happens, fearlessly throw the sheet in the trash, outside the house, because the magical change will already be initiated thanks to the best homemade pillow love spell.

However, if you wish to repeat the ritual, you must throw away the sheet and start the ritual from the beginning 👍

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Update! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Due to some related questions about what to do when going to sleep or how to improve success, here are my tips to make the Pillow Spell work for you the same night you do it 👍

👉When you get into bed, close your eyes 👀 and think within yourself what your dream will be like. Imagine how you are dressed, what you do and what you say to the person you are going to appear to 😴

👉 While you think about all this, feel joy and peace, realize that the person has already started thinking about you 🌠

👉 It is recommended that no one knows your magical intention 🤐 since the energy of your spells can be diluted if it comes into contact with the ears and consciousness of another person.

👉 Try to fall asleep or fall asleep with the thought of the person you love in your head. This is how the Spell with the Pillow will show the best result 💖

And now that?

Once you perform this Spell, the person will start thinking about you. The effect usually lasts about 15 days, so after the 15th day you can repeat it if you want him to keep you in mind and you want to continue appearing in his pleasant and sensitive dreams.

You will be able to tell that it is working because there are a number of symptoms that occur after successfully casting a Spell. You can read them from here 👉 How to know if a Spell is working?

In addition to this homemade love witchcraft, many people have told me that they have had a great time combining the spell with one of the following actions:

Light… My Love Spells and Rituals Don’t Work! What do you recommend me? 🤔

Due to some queries I have received regarding what to do when rituals do not work correctly, I must tell you that Magic is a reality that surrounds us, but that we must take care and pamper for…