Incredible: Did you know that peanuts provide you with almost all the nutrients your body needs per day?

With only 25 grams of peanuts, more than half of the vitamins and 35% of the minerals necessary for healthy growth are supplied.

Usually considered as a snack, peanuts are usually reduced to a more or less healthy snack. But the truth is that its cultural place does not do it justice when we know its true properties.

Since the time of the Aztecs, the integral effects of peanuts were already known, and for this reason it was brought from South America, in a kind of transnational trade that this civilization had already started 500 years ago (in fact, its name comes from the Nahuatl tlacacáhuatl, the language spoken by the Aztecs, and this word means cacao from the earth, since it grows underground).

The peanut, this delicious seed from the legume family, is surprising because it contains almost all the properties that your body needs (and that are generally found only in a variety of foods): you will find in this seed, also known as peanut , vitamins, minerals, protein, antioxidants, fiber, calcium and beneficial fatty acids.

Because of its unmatched content of beneficial nutrients, all of the following will do for you:

It is very good anticancer, especially against breast cancer:

Eating 30 g of natural peanuts at least once a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by 3 times due to its antioxidants and beneficial fatty acids. In general, the beta-sitosterol in peanuts helps slow the growth of cancer cells.

Highly reduces heart disease:

Peanut consumption can reduce heart disease-related mortality by 19%, according to a Harvard study.

It is an antioxidant even more powerful than grapes:

Peanuts contain almost 30 times more resveratrol than grapes; an antioxidant compound ally in the fight against cholesterol.

Reduce the cholesterol:

It has monounsaturated fatty acids that help reduce bad cholesterol and maintain good cholesterol concentrations.

Strengthen your immune system

It has a high content of arginine, an amino acid that has healing properties for wounds, strengthens the immune system

strengthen your mind

Due to its B complex vitamins, peanuts keep your central and peripheral nervous system healthy, which prevents memory loss, nervous tics and uncontrolled movements.

strengthen your bones

It has minerals such as phosphorus and calcium that help build strong and healthy bones, also magnesium, essential in bone formation.


Its vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that protects skin cells from ultraviolet light, pollution and other elements that produce fearsome free radicals.

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