Inclusive or neutral baths: How to achieve them?

The so -called Inclusive, neutral or mixed bathrooms They are part of one of the most important reflections in the field of study and gender criticism, in addition to the areas of architecture and design. These include the necessary and important distinctions in the use of these terms, closely related to the Public Space Design and the challenges of an economic, social and cultural nature.

Neutral or mixed bathrooms are spaces designed to be used by anyone, regardless of your gender identity. These bathrooms seek to eliminate segregation by binary gender, leaving aside the entire spectrum of existing identities. However, An inclusive bath is not focused solely on genderalso contemplates different ages, religious beliefs and more.

An example is that movement that advocated to abolish the bathrooms that segregated African -American people in the 50s in the United States. Hence, The criteria to be established for a universal design become complex When it comes to human rights.

What are the differences between neutral and inclusive baths?TIM MOSSHOLDER / UNSPLASH

Criteria in design and architecture

The most important criteria are privacy and securitywhich contemplate from completely closed cubicles to adequate security systems. However, creating neutral and inclusive baths that are efficient in the use of space and maintaining functionality and accessibility can be an architectural challenge. This is stated by the American initiative Stalled! —Composed for a group of specialists in gender and architecture studies – in an analysis of the conditions of three types of design prevailing in the field.

The first, A monousuar space that continues to obey binary gender segregationbut that includes a room where a sign that uses words and symbols to designate it as a neutral genre is placed. On the other hand, the multi -user space – from which Stalled! It is supported -, contemplates sink area as the only open space equipped with doors that guarantee visual intimacy from abroad, as well as a greater degree of acoustic intimacy. This means A distribution that provides privacy spaces and others of flexible visual field.