In the tarot deck, how are the minor arcana interpreted?


The king represents the highest degree that human beings can attain. The crown is the element that symbolizes this apex, the prize for the successful trajectory. Therefore, the figure of the king is the archetype of man at his maximum potential, as a guru, instructor, father, leader, etc. In the tarot, the kings of hearts and diamonds are older and have white beards, while the other two, spades and clubs, are young.



The symbolism of the lady is related to conception, placing her in the role of mother. But the figure also symbolizes other female roles, such as daughter of the king, wife of the knight or mother of the valet. However, it can also indicate something not so noble, such as the role of lover. The Queen of Spades has her left hand on her stomach, a gesture that could indicate pregnancy when the card appears.



This card brings the symbolism of the orders of chivalry, especially the Templars. Therefore, the knight has an intermediary role between the material and the spiritual world – as the Templars themselves had. The knight of swords is the only one with armor, symbolizing that he is the strongest. The knight of clubs and diamonds wear a hat, and the knight of hearts has his head uncovered, suggesting weakness.


As the name suggests, the valet is a helper who renders personal services. These cards symbolize the figure of a “son” or a messenger who works to resolve conflicts that arise with the other three figures. The jacks of hearts and clubs are on the march, indicating different directions (one to the left and one to the right). Jacks of Diamonds and Spades, more stable, are illustrated standing and still.

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SUIT OF DIAMONDS: cworldly things

It is the suit related to the earth and material aspects. Diamond cards reflect prosperity, financial resources and social status – after all, gold has been one of the symbols of wealth for a long time. In the tarot, this suit is a test of one’s level of attachment to material possessions. The cards of diamonds mean that it is necessary to look at reality and analyze what each one’s relationship is like with material goods, with the body and with the environment, which are also riches of the land we inhabit.

SUIT OF SPADES: dquestions in the air

Just as the sword is a symbol of war, this suit represents the emotional conflicts of each one, that is, the doubts of life. As strategy is fundamental to winning battles, the tarot cards of spades show that it is important to have a plan to balance ideas, which can be consumed by doubts, conflicts and anguish. Therefore, the arcana of spades suggest, at the same time, a creative and destructive character, demanding a reflection on attitudes and positions.

SUIT OF CUPS: nthe world of uncertainty

Associated with the water element, the suit of hearts translates aspects of emotion. Therefore, these cards favor the interpretation of romantic and spiritual matters. The influence of this suit can mean romanticism, love and idealization, as well as being linked to the search for meaning in life, which can be through a relationship, family or religion. On the negative side, it can symbolize emotional confusion, excessive appreciation of the past or idealization of the future.

SUIT OF CLUBS: ajoy and boldness

The suit of clubs conveys ideas of enthusiasm, will and energy. Related to fire (which warms and animates), this suit suggests that the person will put aside apathy, replacing it with courage and boldness. The club card reading symbolizes the joy of new possibilities, such as a passion, a new job or a sudden trip. However, an exaggerated enthusiasm symbolized in this suit can also signify negative aspects such as impatience and rashness.

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