If you miss someone, can they feel it? 12 Spiritual Signs – – Spirituality Blog

Missing someone is one of the intense emotional feelings you can have. The weight of this emotion can become overwhelming to your soul if you don’t know how to handle it.

  • Should you feel bad about missing someone?
  • Should you stop missing someone?

No! It is honorable and beautiful to miss someone. It is a sign that you appreciate the beautiful memories you have shared with the person. You appreciate the bond you once shared and want to have that experience once again.

However, there is a twist in this beautiful story. This is what makes people feel sad, guilty and insecure. This twist comes in a question.

What if I miss someone and they don’t miss me? Many people have asked this question countless times without any tangible answer. The best way to ask this question should be “how do I know if someone misses me?” EITHER “If I miss someone, can they feel it?.

When there is no tangible answer to these questions, there is a feeling of worthlessness that comes to people’s minds, making them feel guilty for missing someone who doesn’t even care about them.

If you fall into this category, then this article is for you. I have realized that whenever you miss someone, they can also feel this energy and reciprocate. But how does this happen?

If you miss someone, can he feel it?

Every time you miss someone, that person can feel it.

There is an energy that gravitates towards that individual every time you miss them, which gives a sign.

However, this person will only be able to interpret the feeling through spiritual discernment and sensitivity.

This is why many people don’t understand the feeling when it comes.

Sensitivity and detailed attention to signals are needed in the spirit to understand this energy, whenever it comes.

However, to answer the question in direct terms, when you miss someone, they can feel it.

People who commonly understand this emotional energy are called empaths. Although, that doesn’t mean that non-empaths can’t understand this emotional energy either.

However, for empaths, It is much easier because you have the unique ability to sense the energy coming to them and understands the message of the energy.

Every time you miss someone, you release vibrations.

Therefore, it is easy to pick up this vibration as long as it flows towards the person you miss. Just because they feel this doesn’t mean they are missing you too. The sensation gives them a clue as to what you are thinking.

It does not automatically lead to a reciprocal vibration from its end. So, just because someone knows you miss them doesn’t mean they miss you too.

How do you know if someone misses you? What are the things to keep in mind?

Read on to discover the 5 proven tips for choosing the vibe of someone who misses you.

5 spiritual signs that someone is missing you

1. Your dreams

Pay attention to the dreams you are having. When you start having dreams about a particular person It is an indication that he/she is missing you.

When you constantly dream about the person calling you on the phone or asking you to come see you, it is a clear sign that they want to see you and share memories with you.

Now, many people might argue this fact.

The reason for this is that many people believe that every time they dream about someone, it is because they miss the person. This is not always the case. When a person suddenly appears in your dreams without prior thought, it is a sign that he is missing you.

2. When you hear his voice

This is another spiritual sign that someone misses you. When you suddenly hear someone’s voice calling your name It is a sign that they are missing you.

You have to be sensitive enough to pick up this signal.

When you are not thinking about someone and suddenly you hear their voice calling your name, the universe is sending a vibration to your soul regarding the person.

Whenever you hear this voice, you must pay close attention to the voice. Paying attention will help you effectively discern who the person is and the message coming from the voice.

3. Random thoughts about them

Whenever you continually have random thoughts about this person, It’s a sign that they miss you.

This thought is different from the intense ones you have every time you miss someone. This thought is not intense. It’s just a random thought about the person that sneaks into your mind at one time or another.

Unlike those we have when we are missing someone, this thought comes and goes. Therefore, when it arrives, it is a sign that someone is missing you; but when he leaves, it is a sign that the person has stopped thinking about you for now, but still misses you.

4. Physical signs such as goosebumps

Goosebumps are one of the physical signs you will feel on your body every time someone misses you. This is different from cold or the presence of a spirit around you. These goosebumps occur suddenly and have no explanation.

Whenever it happens, you will not be able to point out the reason for it.

Therefore, when you experience this, you should instantly pick up the vibe of someone who is missing you. When someone misses you intensely, the vibration can be physically felt through goosebumps.

5. See feathers

This is not a common occurrence, but you should be on the lookout for this sign. Finding feathers on the ground can be a sign that someone misses you. The wonders of the universe can be expressed in various ways..

Therefore, you must be open to this experience.

Whenever you see a feather in your room, It could be a sign that someone misses you..

The pen and thought work together. For example; When you randomly think about someone and suddenly find a feather on the ground, it is a clear confirmation that that person misses you too.

7 psychic signs that your ex misses you

Do you want to know if your ex misses you or not? Then look for these psychic signs. Every time you feel these signs, It is an indication that the connection between you and your ex has not been severed; and there is the possibility of meeting or seeing each other again.

1) Sexual impulses

When you suddenly start having sexual urges toward your ex, it’s a sign that he or she misses you. This sign can also appear whenever you miss your ex. However, there is little difference between them.

When your ex misses you, the sex drive you will feel might not be strong. You may have a quick desire for your ex to touch you, but it will fade away in a few seconds.

However, if you miss your ex, the sex drive can persist for days and even become more intense. Sex drive is a sign that your ex misses you.

2) You accidentally say his name

Whenever you notice that you call your ex’s name when referring to someone else, It is an indication that your ex misses you..

This is not a sign that you miss your ex. Calling another person your ex’s name is a sign that you share a psychic connection with your ex; Therefore, they are sending vibrations to your soul, which means they are missing you.

3) You start to have mood swings

This is another psychic sign to take into account. After a few months of breakup, when you start having sudden mood swings at certain times of the day It is a clear indication that your ex misses you.

When you find it difficult to explain the reason for your mood change, it is a sign that your ex misses you.

4) You express a sign of relief for no reason

When you suddenly burst into laughter in the middle of a meal or an argument, it’s an indication that your ex misses you.

This emotional burden It is a sign from your soul because of the connection you share with your ex.. When it happens, just pick up the phone to see your ex. It could be the beginning of a restored relationship.

5) A psychic tells you about this

This is believed to be the most reliable source. Any time a psychic confirms this, it is a clear sign.

Other signs may not be easy to detect.

However, when a psychic confirms that your ex misses you, it is a sign that they are missing you. A psychic can read your soul and the conception that he shares with people.

Additionally, a psychic can pick up on different signals around you and your chakra. Therefore, they will be able to know if your ex misses you or not. If the answer is yes, then believe it.

6) When you feel a hand touching you

As strange and scary as it may seem, this can be a sign that your ex misses you. When you feel a hand gently touch you, more especially the sensitive parts of your body that can arouse you sexually It is a sign that your ex misses you and wants to have you once again.

7) You start seeing photos of your ex around you

This doesn’t have to be physical. It’s mostly mental. When you start having mental images of your ex It is a communication from your ex to your soul.

Your ex is trying to announce his presence in your life as a sign that he misses you.

Does dreaming about someone mean that they miss you?

Every time you dream about someone, does it mean they miss you?

Yeah. Whenever you dream about someone randomly without thinking about them, it is a sign that they miss you. It is an indication that the person wants to see you or share certain intimate moments with you as before.

Not all dreams point to this reality. However, every time you suddenly dream about someone without thinking about the person, this test undoubtedly misses you.

Can you feel if someone misses you?

Every time someone misses you, you may feel it.

The signs above are the different things to look out for. When each of those signs happens, the universe comes to you regarding this person.

Missing someone releases vibrations to the person involved. Therefore, you can feel it. By paying attention to the signs above, you’ll know when people miss you.

How to make someone miss you spiritually?

If you want someone to miss you, cast a love spell.

Love spells don’t just make people love you. It can also make people around you miss you. It will suddenly make you desirable and they will want you back. This is one of the ways to make someone miss you.

Another method to make someone miss you spiritually is to think about the person who misses you. Build that image in your mind until it becomes real to you. Every time you focus your thoughts on someone, you release vibration towards the person and it could trigger a powerful feeling that will make them miss you.

Last words

You don’t have to feel unwanted or unloved. By keeping an eye out for these signs, you’ll be able to tell whether someone misses you or not. All you need to do is to open your heart to be sensitive to these signs and pick them up when they come.

If you miss someone, can they feel it? The answer is yes! If you still have any questions, please leave a comment below!
