Identify signs of pain in animals

Pain reduces an animal’s quality of life and has far-reaching negative consequences if not properly managed, ultimately shortening the animal’s life.

Animals hide pain

Hiding pain is a useful evolutionary trait that animals have evolved over thousands of years. It increases the chances of not being caught by predators, thus improving the chances of survival. Domestication may have changed animals over time, but pets have retained this trait to some extent.

Animals don’t express their pain like humans do

While they can clearly express acute pain through vocalization, animals express chronic pain only subtly, primarily through behavioral changes. Dogs and cats, for example, can exhibit abnormal behaviors such as constant licking or excessive cleaning. Unfortunately, some signs of pain are also misinterpreted by pet owners. Slowed movement or struggling to stand is often attributed to old age, but can also indicate an underlying health condition.

Pet owners therefore need to be able to recognize signs of pain to ensure the underlying condition is treated as soon as possible. Observe your pet and identify what makes up its normal behavioral repertoire. Be aware of changes in eating, sleeping, and activity patterns throughout the day. If any changes occur, focus on them and contact the vet as soon as possible.