Ideas to renovate your psychology office and give it a more welcoming touch – Online Psychologists

There are different options for psychologists to offer their services. Some have their own premises on the street, an office, a rented space within an office and others even operate from their own home, which are less common but are becoming more common for online psychologists. Mainly in cases of shared spaces, the psychologist is faced with a situation: they would like to provide care in a more personalized space. The space where the patient is received, particularly in the case of psychology, is very important. It must generate good feelings, promote comfort, intimacy, generate security and have a professional image.

What tricks can we use to give our room or office a more personal touch without having to make a big investment? Here are some tips.

How to decorate your psychology office in a simple way

PaintDon't settle for the color you find. Painting a room takes little time and hardly costs any money, you can do it yourself. Choose warm tones, play with a mix of tones and avoid colors that make the space darker or narrower. Favor clarity, good feelings and naturalness.

Wallpaper. Create small spaces with paper and various decorations that break away from the previous and give spaciousness to your room.

Put plants. Bring life to the space with plants, and of course plastic ones are not enough. If you are not very good at them, get advice and put in some plants that are suitable for the climate of your city and that do not require too much care. Large plants give a lot of prestige, create corners full of life and tend to make places more familiar. You can also place small plants on shelves that promote linearity, with pots that match the decoration you have chosen and that do not depend too much on light. It is not that difficult!

Floor lamps and low light. Your office is not an office for thousands of employees. Fortunately, you can make it something personal, and that is where its virtuosity lies. Your office is not a bank office, nor are there queues of people waiting, nor is it a large shopping centre. It is an intimate space, where people are going to tell you very personal things and it has been very difficult for them to take the step. Make them feel comfortable. You don't have to rely only on cold ceiling lamps. You can also create corners with other types of light, which can go on shelves, corner tables, floor lamps… Everything will feel much more welcoming and familiar.

Enhances natural light. This depends on the space and we cannot always count on it, but if you have a window or a balcony, show it off. You don't need to cover it with vinyl or translucent stickers, or with dark, flat blinds. You can take advantage of it to put plants there, to put some light curtains, which dress up and complement the decoration.

CarpetsWe had never thought about it until one day we visited the guys at La Atómica in Valladolid, a coworking space of architecture and art experts and voila! They had all the spaces decorated with beautiful paintings, traditional floors and rugs of different sizes that created micro spaces and made you feel at home. If you work in a small office and you are going to attend to one person at a time, without crowds, including a rug is viable and does not involve much extra work, other than vacuuming. You will turn the space upside down!

Decoration with natural elements: wood, handmade things, cardboard… Natural things are always so nice… Wooden tables, cardboard decorations, handmade things… Let it be clear that it is your space, that it is unique, that it is yours and that you have created it this way for the patient in front of you, so that he or she feels comfortable and confident that he or she has chosen the best therapist… with the best office. This one you see is a proposal from CartonLab.

Want more ideas? Here are some more and we look forward to your comments and suggestions!