one believes game of Thronesis actually always winter. And that should be the star of our next breed portrait, den Icelandic dog, quite happy.
After all, he is from from Iceland and is freezing cold used to it. What is behind the facade of the Icelandic Spitz still hidden?
Rejoice now all important information about health & Co.
Icelandic dog profile
Size Male: up to 46 cm, female: up to 42 cmWeightMale: 11 to 14 kg, female: 9 to 11 kgColorsWhite & Cream, Chocolate & White, Gold & White, Gray & White, Black & White, Fawn & WhiteLife expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginIcelandcharacter/temperamentAgile, lively, curious, inquisitive, focused, tough, energetic, bright, alertFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and archetypal dogs, Section 3: Nordic guard and herding dogs, without working test.
The Icelandic Dog belongs to the top group – and this is with his Externally also immediately apparent.
His body is compact and muscular without being bulky or stocky to act. He is carried by long, slender legs.
The typical Spitz-head is from triangular ears completed. The feathery and bushy tail wears the Icelandic dog bent over the back.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The Icelandic dog can two different fur textures appear: short hair and medium/long hair.
This is the case for both variants Fur shiny and dense. along with the undercoat it contributes to the fact that the Icelandic dog optimally protected against wind and weather is.
With the colors is with the Icelandic dog much allowed – and that as a two-tone combination.
This is how the Icelandic dog knows the colors White & Cream, Gold & White, Gray & White, Chocolate & White as well as Black/white and fawn/white have.
It is important here that one of the two colors as the base color prevails and accompanied by the second color in the form of badges becomes.
Eye Shape & Eye Color
The Icelandic Sheepdog has medium sized and oval eyes. They are at most coat colors dark brown.
At lighter fur can you accordingly in one lighter brown appear.
Height Weight
The breed standard states that males a shoulder height of up to 46 centimeters do not exceed while doing between 11 and 14 kilograms should weigh.
Icelandic dog female should be a stick size of maximum 42 centimeters reach, the ideal weight is between 9 and 11 kilograms.
History & Origin of the Icelandic Dog
The Icelandic dog originates from Iceland. He is also among the names Iceland Spitz and Icelandic Shepherd known.
Due to the fact that he already has the Vikings in the 8th century as a loyal companion served, he also bears the name viking dog.
Up to the first breed standard should move a good 1,000 years into the country – because it exists since 1898.
The recognition of breed popular all over the world through the FCI took place in 1972.
Essence & character of the Icelandic dog
A look at the face of the Icelandic dog reveals a lot nature, character and temperament this pretty fur nose with the friendly and cheerful nature.
The race is considered very alert and focused and can do it amazing level of toughness put on the day.
These qualities are accompanied by a energetic, bright and alert beings.
The lively Icelandic dog is also considered concentrated, curious and inquisitive dogwho wants to learn new tasks with a high eagerness to learn and does so.
In addition, he would like always and everywhere to be there.
The fluffy bundles of energy loves it, spending time with his people and to discover its surroundings.
Good to know
to strangers the happy dog kicks first a little cautious and can acknowledge their presence by barking. A excessive but he’s not a loud dog.
attitude & upbringing
Now that you know what nature and temperament the Icelandic Dog has, let’s look at the points attitude and upbringing more closely.
He may only be of medium size – but the Icelandic dog still wants enough space in your own four walls have.
A house with a garden would of course be perfect for this fur nose. Because also one high level of exercise in the fresh air is important for the Icelandic Spitz.
A species-appropriate attitude also includes that you spend several hours with your dog every day.
Not only the physical exertion should be on the agenda, but also the spiritual demand.
The Icelandic Dog is very people oriented, these close bonds mean that Trained to be left alone when they are puppies must become.
Even if he’s used to it, you should with him Don’t overdo it with this breed – because that’s what makes him Dog unhappy in the long term.
The friendly and happy creatures and the high willingness to learn of the Icelandic Shepherd Dog make the Education for a real joy.
Of course you should also with this fur nose do not miss the necessary consequence permit.
Do you already bring a little dog know-how with, the Icelandic dog can also be suitable for you as a beginner dog.
It is important that you tendency to bark already with that steer puppies in the right direction.
In addition, this breed is particularly happy about the following dog sports: agility, obedience, flyball, Dog Frisbee and Dog dancing.
Health & Care
Of course you also want to know what’s going on with the points Health and care you have to pay special attention to with the Icelandic dog.
We’ll tell you now whether it is diseases and problems there and what the Care of the fur nose contains.
Grooming & General Grooming
Is your Icelandic dog especially with the change of fur occupied? Then you should during this time to the brush every day grasp.
For the rest of the year is applicable: Regular brushing is also then Dutyit has to don’t happen that often like autumn and spring.
General care of the Icelandic dog includes Regular checks of ears, eyes, teeth and paws.
So you can prevent inflammationwhich on the other hand can trigger diseases.
Despite its popularity the Icelandic Shepherd still counts to the rare dog breeds.
That has the Advantagethat it not to overbreeding comes. But it also has that Disadvantagethat the The breed’s gene pool is very manageable is.
Still should hereditary diseases in the Icelandic Spitz do not occur, as long as the breeding is serious and responsible.
Because the diseases that the Icelandic dog is susceptible to include, among others eye diseases as well as one Misposition of the testicles/cryptorchidism.
This disease can risk of testicular cancer favor.
In addition, you should Theme heat and Icelandic dog careful be. Because the breed is not used to high temperatures due to their origin and therefore does not tolerate them.
Regular deworming, parasite prophylaxis, vaccination protection and annual routine check-ups are also in the Icelandic dog Duty.
You make sure your darling no health problems will have.
Life expectancy
The Life expectancy of the Icelandic dog is included 12 to 15 years. You can positively support your roommate here with a species-appropriate nutrition.
The lining should have one high meat content have, Grain should not be found here.
That too right amount of movement can himself have a positive effect on the life expectancy of the Icelandic dog.
Is the Icelandic Dog right for me?
After all the important information, the question now arises whether the Icelandic dog suits you.
Can you a tick after the following statements set? Then he is Icelandic Dog the right dog breed for you. 😊
you are looking for one family dogwhich good with children.
you want with one active and playful dog live together who likes to be out and about with you in the great outdoors.
You are looking for one loyal and faithful companionwho never leaves your side.
Good to know
The Icelandic dog is not suitable if you a) have little time for him and b) in a small city apartment live
Fun facts about the Icelandic dog
Finally, we’ll tell you a few more exciting fun facts about the Icelandic dog.
Icelandic Dog puppies from a reputable breeder between €1,500 and €2,000.
The Icelandic dog was on the brink of extinction for a long time. Even today there is in Iceland only 500 representatives of the breed.
Popular is the Icelandic Spitz in Scandinavia and the USA.
In Iceland the Icelandic dog is called Islenskur Fjárhundur.
As the only Icelandic breed, the Icelandic Dog is of course the national dog of the country.
The breed is one of them oldest four-legged seafaring pioneers – Thanks be to the Vikings.
Can you think of stories and tips that we haven’t mentioned here yet? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊