I want to stop being unfaithful but I can't – Online Psychologists

Be careful not to laugh at infidelity. How many movies about cheating have we seen? While some people get tired of seeing the typical cheater who is always forgiven, others find it funny. However, it is a serious problem, as it is very difficult to change these people.

But,It's normal to be unfaithful when you're in love with your partner and are you happy with her? There is a debate around this question, because there is no answer to it and it depends on the moral flexibility that we have. Although the infidelities They are a reality, they should not be normalized.

Practical tips to stop being unfaithful

  • If you have been unfaithful on several occasionsyou must assume you have a problem. It is the first step that will allow you to move forward. You have to discover the reasons why you are unfaithful:
  • Are you not happy with your partner? End the relationship, but don't cheat on her. Hiding from a third person for fear of hurting your partner is the worst thing you can do. Be honest with her, tell her that you don't feel the same way anymore and get your life back on track as you please.
  • Long-term relationships can end up being a bit boring.. That monotony is what drives you to want passion with another person, to recover a romanticism that has been disappearing little by little. If you feel that the time has come, do not prolong the breakup.
  • Maybe you have idealized loveyou've realized what it really means or, at the moment, it's not what you're looking for. Why cause gratuitous harm to the other person? Don't commit if you think you're not ready for a relationship.
  • If you are bored in the sexual fieldWhat you need to do is talk to your partner. Explain to him or her what your sexual tastes are and don't forget how fun it is to experiment.
  • When You feel that your partner does not value you enough It is common to fall into a low self-esteem and in feelings like sadness. Instead of looking for that affection in another person, why don't you explain to your partner how you really feel? Communication has to be worked on. At we invite you to try a First session with an online psychologist and address this and other issues that concern you.


  • Is it worth losing your partner to have a good time with someone else? Consider whether you are willing to give up love, respect, trust and mutual development.
  • Consider whether It is worth hurting your partnerto third parties and to yourself.
  • Do you need to be unfaithful to feel good?

Infidelity can break hearts, but it can also be the catalyst for personal growth and a deeper understanding of what true love and integrity mean.

Take care of your relationship

  • Arguments and misunderstandings are common in all relationships. Think with a cool head and don't act out of revenge. Just because your partner hurt you at one point doesn't mean you have to hurt them back. In this case, consider that you may be a toxic person.
  • Remember all the good things your partner brings you and all the good times you've had.
  • Don't forget that «nobody knows what they have until they lose it.»

You can choose to do it or not.

  • Be consistent. Infidelity is an act that is committed with 100% awareness.
  • A good option is to cut off communication with a third person from the start if they try to interfere in your relationship.

The key is to know what your needs are and recognize the phases that exist in a relationship.

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Put an end to your relationship conflicts with the help of online couples therapy. Resolve your doubts with the help of a professional expert in managing emotions in couples.

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How to get over infidelity

Trust is broken once we discover the partner's infidelity. It is normal for a certain amount of fear to reign. feeling of pain marked by rage and anger that is quite difficult to appease.

The time comes to think about whether or not to continue the relationship and, although it may seem impossible, many people decide to stay together, even though the relationship is not the same. In fact, a stagnation occurs from which there is no way out due to the lack of trust and the suspicion caused by the betrayal. Keep in mind that trust is built over a long period of time, so you will not get it back the next day.

In many cases, you will not be able to fix the situation of the couple alone. Then, you will have to go to online psychological therapy for a professional treatment in the hands of an expert, whether it is a online psychologist or a sexologist. At we have a team of professionals with years of experience working with couples like yours, who will help you during this process.

Benefits of online therapy

Online therapy can be a useful test to stop being unfaithful. Some of its benefits are:

  • Convenience and accessibilitysince the therapy allows access to sessions from anywhere, eliminating the need to travel to a specific physical location.
  • By using online therapy, a higher level of confidentiality and discretion can be maintainedwhich can be crucial when addressing sensitive issues like this.
  • In addition, it offers The advantage of scheduling sessions at more flexible timesand it is beneficial if you have a busy schedule and personal or work commitments.
  • Ongoing support and access to professionals. The online therapylike face-to-face training, promotes continuous progress and paves the way for restoring trust and building healthier relationships.

Why choose

  • We have been leaders in online psychological care since 2012.
  • First informational appointment free.
  • Online therapy from 40 euros per session.
  • Team of senior psychologists, with decades of experience.
  • All the therapy we offer is via videoconference. 100% confidential.
  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
  • Attention in Spanish, English and Catalan.

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