I need to go to the psychologist, but I can't afford it – Online Psychologists

Taking care of our mental health and, to do so, going to a professional sometimes means a financial expense that we cannot always afford. Despite having the need to access this service, Psychological therapy can be expensive and out of our reachHowever, there are certain affordable ways to request this help. Do you need to go to a psychologist, but you can't afford it? We'll give you the solution.

How can a psychologist help you?

The first thing to resolve is whether the solution to your problem comes from the hand of a psychologist. If you suffer from mood and mental symptomsa Psychology expert is the most appropriate person to guide you in your recovery.

A psychologist has the mission of improve mental health of people with pathologies such as disorders depressivesdisorders of anxietydisorders obsessive-compulsiveetc. In the same way, they also work to help all those people who are going through a difficult time. bad time and do not have the necessary resources to cope with the situation (illness, bereavement, breakup, etc.)

The emotion managementcoping with the stress and rejection, control of the gonnathe training of social skillsthe empathythe growth staffself-control, etc. are also abilities that a psychologist favors.

Likewise, these experts provide tools for managing physical and/or emotional pain of people with physical illnesses. In this sense, they not only focus on the patient, but also on their family and friends who also help to cope with the situation.

But their work doesn't end there. A psychologist helps people with attention, learning and memory problems and those who, without any problem, want to improve these capabilities.

Try a free session

Resolve your insecurities, fears and improve your self-esteem with the professional help of a psychologist who is an expert in videoconference therapy.

Make an appointment

I need to go to a psychologist, but I can't afford it, what do I do?

If you feel that you need to go to a psychologist to solve your problems, you have taken the first and most important step. Being aware of this is essential to resolve your situation. Now, What happens if I want to go to a psychologist, but it is too expensive for me? Here we are going to leave you a series of ways.

Social security

The importance of maintaining a good state of mental health is becoming increasingly visible, which is why psychological care is gradually improving in Spain. An example of this is the upcoming Incorporation of psychologists in Primary Care – health centers – in Madrid to treat “less serious” problems. It is a step towards reducing the long waiting lists at public psychologists.

If you want to access a psychologist through the Social security What you have to do is ask consult your family doctorHe will refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist based on your symptoms and his/her criteria.

There are different opinions based on the experience of this care. However, Make an appointment and try this resource.

Social Services

Social Services are another option if you find yourself in situation of social exclusionIf so, you can go to the office to find out about psychologists specialized in each case: victim of gender violence, serious mental illnessetc.


In the previous thread, there are entities created for the purpose of protect and help to people who are in situation of social exclusion such as people without income, immigrants, ex-convicts, children and adolescents, etc.

All of them can access the services of a psychologist who is part of the association itself. That is, they have professionals who offer accompaniment and treatment or freeor by charging a price proportional to income.

It should also be noted that in some cities, spaces of equality and psychological services provided by the City Council itself. Psychological care is provided in these places individual, mutual aid groups and group activitiesall of which can be very beneficial.


It is very common for psychology faculties to offer free psychological care. Also, if you are part of the university community you can access the psychological counseling service from the university. Affordable and even free services are offered.

Guidance in institutes

If you are a high school student, there is probably a school in your educational center. counselor that offers free psychological care. Ask a trusted teacher, instructor or school management for information.

Telephone of hope

There is a telephone number to call in case of a crisis situation. You can call the telephone line of hope of your autonomous community, a service Urgent, free and anonymous.

Offers Help in four ways:

  • Workshops for specific psychological crises: grief, divorce, chronic illness, elderly care, abuse, etc.
  • Telephone guidance 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You will be assisted by volunteers who are trained to listen, but who are not always psychologists.
  • Family Guidance.
  • Professional advice and intervention by psychologists, psychiatrists, lawyers, social workers and other specialists.

Online psychological therapy

The last alternative, and no less important, is online therapy. Maintaining the resources and treatment of conventional therapythe online version has burst onto the scene becoming the solution for many people.

This type of psychological session is more affordable, flexible and economical than the traditional oneBeing cheaper, but maintaining the quality of service, online therapy adapts to patients' schedules. Can save time and money by not requiring a physical meeting point with the expert psychologist. Choose the time that best suits you and the place where you are most comfortable.

You no longer have to travel or pay too much for the care of a professional psychologist. At , the first consultation is completely free. Make an appointment and start finding solutions.