I need psychological help, but I don't know how to ask for it – Online Psychologists

Mental health is one of the Current Topics. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many people suffered mental problems that forced them to request psychological helpHowever, making the decision to go to a psychologist is not always easy and even today many people do not know what to do to ask for this type of help.

Although it may seem like there is still a lot of work to do, you should know that the most difficult part has already been achieved: recognizing that you suffer from a psychological problem is never easy, but it is key if you want to put an end to that problem.

By acknowledging it you also accept your inability to solve it on your own and you realize that you need help to overcome an always complicated obstacle.

The path to acceptance of the problem is long and convoluted. Seeking psychological help is always the last step. Before, we have looked for hundreds of ways to feel emotionally balanced.

Not long ago, people with problems such as anxiety or stress and decided to put their health in the hands of a professional were labeled as the weirdos from their surroundings. Fortunately, today this opinion is disappearing from the collective imagination.

Getting psychological help only shows that we want to resolve an “injury” that we have in our mind. No one is surprised that you go to an orthopedist if you twist your ankle, but it seems like the end of the world if you go to a doctor. put your emotions in order.

In addition, the psychologist is not only able to give you the various guidelines that solve the problem, he can give you preventive emotional tools for future situations.

What path do I follow to request psychological help?

After recognizing the psychological problem, it is time to consider a series of questions important to resolve, if you want to receive an ideal treatment that provides you with the necessary mechanisms:

What psychological help do I need?

Every psychologist has a specialty which they are experts in. There are psychologists to solve problems of anxiety, depression or eating disorders. It is vitally important to select the right professional to solve your problems.

Professionals work from different disciplines, so you will have to look at which one is the one that best fits your profile. You should not be left with questions to decide how they work or if their schedules can be adjusted to your needs.

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Learn to face your fears and manage your emotions with the help of a psychologist.

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What's good for others doesn't have to be good for you

A psychologist can have fame and reputationsupported by hundreds, or thousands, of patients as a strong argument to validate its quality. However, you can go to a consultation with this same professional and see the results are not as expected.

Nothing strange is happening. Neither the professional nor you as a patient are making any mistakes. Simply, as in everyday relationships, you are not compatible.

How do we know if this is the right professional?

Stick to two words. Therapeutic alliance. In the first session you will already realize whether this is true or not. The therapeutic alliance is the phenomenon that explains the Healing bond formed between the professional and the patient.

As a summary of what we have detailed in these paragraphs, Shame must be put aside. If they label you for doing therapy, they are the ones with a problem. Going to the psychologist is one of the greatest acts of bravery and not only will your attitude towards yourself improve, but also your relationship with your loved ones will evolve in a positive way.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.

How will the psychologist help me? Phases of therapy

When someone considers going to a psychological consultation, it is normal to wonder what to expect from this experience and how the psychologist will help them. Psychological therapy is a process that aims to improve the mental health and emotional well-being of the person who comes to it. Although each therapy is unique and adapted to the individual needs of each patient, there are some common phases that are usually followed in most treatments.

Evaluation phase

In this first phase, the psychologist will conduct a detailed assessment of the patient's situation. This may include a clinical interview, the use of psychological questionnaires and tests, and the gathering of information about the patient's medical history and social environment.

This evaluation is essential to establish an accurate diagnosis and design an appropriate treatment plan.

Work phase

In this second phase, the patient's problems and conflicts are addressed and worked through. This may include techniques such as exploring thoughts and feelings, problem solving, and exposure to feared situations.

The effectiveness of the “working phase” of therapy has been examined in several scientific studies. One of them is the study “Effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy in patients with anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer, & Fang, 2012), which examined the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating anxiety disorders. The results of the study suggested that CBT is effective in treating anxiety disorders, and that the “working phase” of therapy is a key component of this effectiveness.

Another study is the “Effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of panic disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, & Sawyer, 2010), which also examined the effectiveness of CBT in treating panic disorder. The results of the study suggested that CBT is effective in treating panic disorder and that the “working phase” of the therapy is a key component of this effectiveness.

Follow-up phase

Within the phases of psychological help, this would be the third and would serve as a closing of the therapy as it progresses: once the patient has worked on his problems and has learned new skills and strategies to face life's challenges, it is important to continue working on the implementation and strengthening of these skills.

This follow-up phase may include less frequent therapy sessions and counseling to help the patient apply what they have learned in their daily lives.