I have no self-love and I don't know how to fix it

Lack of self-love is more common than we thinkThere are many people who find it difficult to accept and love themselves, that is, they have low self-esteem.

What is self-love?

Self-love is not only about loving yourself, but also loving yourself well, which involves accepting yourself, loving yourself, and prioritizing yourself just as you are. That is, iIt means being yourself and accepting yourself with the good and the bad. Accepting yourself means accepting your insecurities, your faults and your defects.

Many times, the lack of self-love is caused by situations such as the lack of love in your childhood from your environment or abuse of any kind. However, working to achieve it is the best option for a happier life. You can do this by contacting a psychologist, they will provide you with the techniques so that you can cultivate your self-love.

At we have many psychology professionals with whom you can work to improve your emotional and physical well-being. Make an appointment and schedule a session with a psychologist online.

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Consequences of a lack of self-love

Lack of self-love is a barrier that prevents you from showing your true potential, both to yourself and to others. This can have detrimental consequences for you.

  • You don't value yourself. Not loving yourself means that you don't take yourself into account either, and therefore, you don't value yourself. This means that you can constantly criticize your appearance, what you do wrong, your insecurities. Nobody is perfect, everyone can make mistakes, you also do things well, love yourself.
  • Low self-esteemThis means that you don't value yourself enough or love yourself as much as you should. In addition, low self-esteem can lead you to do things like compare yourself to other people in order to beat yourself up more and make yourself feel worse.
  • Negative emotions. Your lack of love means that you may feel very negative emotions and that you feel them very intensely. There may be actions that can affect and influence you a lot, such as the comments that people make about you.
  • DepressionThese negative feelings can last for a long time and affect you greatly, leading to depression.
  • Pressure. Neither you nor anything you do is good enough. This causes you to put a lot of hardness and pressure on yourself.

How to overcome lack of self-love?

Although it may be difficult, there are ways to improve and begin to enhance your self-love.

  • Know youKnowing yourself is the first step to start cultivating your self-love. And don't stop doing it, we are constantly changing and we respond to different needs and stimuli each time.
  • Lean on your loved ones. Don't put all the pressure on yourself, ask your friends and family for help. Your environment will be very important to feel that support and affection that you need and that you should also apply to yourself.
  • Prioritize yourselfIt's great that you think about others, that you give them your support and love, but do the same with yourself. As with everything else, put yourself and your emotions as a priority, don't leave yourself for last.
  • Recognize your achievements. Not everything is bad, you do things well all the time. You have managed to get to where you are thanks to successes and mistakes that have helped you move forward and see life in a different way, value it.
  • Don't beat yourself upYou tend to think only about the bad, the negative. Don't demand so much of yourself, or beat yourself up over your mistakes. You do many things well, learn to see mistakes from another perspective.
  • Turn your insecurities into realityOne way to not put so much pressure on yourself is to change the role of things. Set a goal, and try to improve what you consider to be an insecurity. For example, if you are a scatterbrained person, try to be a more responsible person and remember things: write them down on paper, make a schedule to help keep things organized.

It can be difficult to build self-love from scratch and if you can't, you may need the help of an expert. Contacting a psychologist can help you move forward in your search for self-love. At the First briefing is free.