I have everything but I'm not happy, what's wrong with me? – Online Psychologists

Many times you have everything you want, but you are not happy. This is because everything you have does not guarantee your own satisfaction.

We have a good job, a person who loves us, a house… Apparently we have everything we want, but there is a problem: we are not happy.

Psychologist Erich Fromm said that “if we are not happy with everything we have, we will not be happy with what we lack” and he is not wrong. But what is it that is missing within ourselves?

The feeling of having everything, but at the same time lacking something that we cannot define, is something that happens to many people.

That feeling of unhappiness despite having everything makes us have guilty thoughts when we think that we are not happy even though we have everything that other people would like to have.

Faced with this situation, we only have one option: to stop and think, to contact our inner self and find the answer to our questions.

The mental wins over the material

When people talk about happiness, they think directly about having a high-end car and lots of money, when in reality they forget the most important factor: mental health.

Material objects are all well and good for making us happy, but without mental health it is impossible for a person to be completely happy. Having good self-esteem, knowing how to handle problems, being able to understand our emotions and those of others… These are some of the factors that are needed for us to be completely happy.

We also need to know who we are, be assertive, have good social skills to be able to cope with anxiety and stress…

So if you have everything and you are not happy, you need to reflect on yourself and your mental health.

Dissatisfaction, which makes you never be 100% happy

When people talk about happiness, they think directly about having a high-end car and lots of money, when in reality they forget the most important factor: mental health.

Material objects are all well and good for making us happy, but without mental health it is impossible for a person to be completely happy. Having good self-esteem, knowing how to handle problems, being able to understand our emotions and those of others… These are some of the factors that are needed for us to be completely happy.

We also need to know who we are, be assertive, have good social skills to be able to cope with anxiety and stress…

So if you have everything and you are not happy, you need to reflect on yourself and your mental health.

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If you don't hesitate to go to a specialist when you have any physical pain, why not do the same when the pain is emotional? Try a free therapy session at and learn how psychological support helps you improve your life and achieve the goals you set for yourself.

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Other factors that make you not feel well even if you have everything:

  • Have a lot of stress:People who take care of families and those who hold high positions in their jobs are usually the people who are most stressed. These people are often not aware that they are stressed when in fact they are suffering from physical or mental pain, lack of motivation, etc. Stress leads us to high levels of activation, something that prevents a social response and harms us when it comes to connecting with the people who are part of our lives.
  • Constant goals: There are people who are constantly setting goals for themselves. When they achieve them and satisfy their own needs, there are no more challenges and they stop enjoying themselves.
  • Lack of attention: We focus more on the future than on the present, so we don't enjoy the moment. When we think about the past, because we live such a fast-paced life, we hardly remember anything and what we remember are unpleasant situations and problems. If we pay more attention to what we do in the present, it will help us to remember the positive things of today when we look back.
  • Lack of communication: With technology, it is common for people to feel disconnected and therefore individuality is encouraged. In addition, people do not usually communicate the things that bother them and tend to keep quiet, which will lead to an emotional saturation and eventually we will explode.
  • No rest: We live in such a rush that we sometimes forget that we need to have moments of disconnection, apart from our hours of sleep. In order for the body and mind to function properly, it is necessary to rest. If this is not done, it can cause a person to have unexpected impulsive reactions with the people they love the most.
  • Lack of self-esteem: We tend to be very hard on ourselves, especially at critical moments in our lives. We need to start understanding our difficulties, especially at our worst moments. We need to be able to empathize with ourselves. Otherwise, we will become our own worst enemy.
  • Lack of values: When we reach our goals, we may stop perceiving our vision of life in a positive light. We need to go beyond the exclusive proposal of goals and base our well-being on the pursuit of values, since if we manage to keep the flame of our driving force alive, we will be able to achieve high levels of deep satisfaction.

Being okay with yourself is what's important

Despite having everything, worry, unhappiness and anguish can flood our lives.

It is important to keep in mind that this happens to many people and there is no need to be afraid or feel guilty for feeling this way. Each person is different and has different needs. If you rely on your family and friends, they will understand, otherwise your anxiety will continue and increase.

Normally, when a situation like this occurs, it is common for the person to suffer from depression, says Dr. Teemu Rissanen. Therefore, it is best to go to a specialist.

It is time to make a change and ask ourselves if what we have is really what we need. To do this, you just need to make a decision and have self-love.