I hate everyone. Is it possible that I am a misanthrope? – Online Psychologists

Have you ever been or are you afraid of people? Do you avoid being around them or having any kind of contact? In other words, do you hate human beings? If so, you may be misanthrope.

What is a misanthrope?

The word misanthrope comes from the Greek missein which literally means “to hate” and anthropos, which is a “person”. Therefore, misanthrope defines a person who hates other people.

The term misanthrope is used to define someone who has a attitude of rejection or even aggressive towards others, someone who feels hatred towards the rest of the people in the world.

But just because a person is a misanthrope doesn't always mean that they hate others. Sometimes they simply avoid people whenever they have the opportunity to do so.

Misanthropy is a social and psychological attitudeSocially, it manifests when someone does not want the company of others. Psychologically, it is related to the bad character or surly temperament of these people.

What traits identify a misanthrope?

There are a number of traits that define or help differentiate people who have misanthropy. According to psychologists, they present the following: characteristics:

  • Tendency to think that others are idiotsThis is a hallmark of a misanthropic person. They think that everyone is saying nonsense and nonsensical things. Misanthropic people tend not to have conversations that do not have a deep character because they feel that otherwise, they are insubstantial and will not lead anywhere.
  • They hate drama. A misanthrope detests dramatic people and those who cause drama. They avoid all possible situations where there is drama. They would never cause such a scene.
  • They are lonely people. Since these people have an aversion to human beings, they prefer to be alone and spend time with themselves. In the case of a misanthrope, they would choose a thousand times to be at home reading rather than going to a party. Regardless of who goes to the party, they prefer to be alone.
  • They tend towards sadism. Misanthropic people are incapable of showing feelings or pity. For this reason, they have no empathy and human suffering is not something that concerns them.
  • They show superiorityThey tend to be very intelligent and thoughtful people, hence their feeling of superiority. For them, the human being is a despicable figure and that is why they are always above. It does not matter who the person is or their level of intelligence, they will be inferior.

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  • They don't interact virtually either.. That is to say, a misanthrope will never create a social network. Being in contact with other people, even virtually, also makes them uncomfortable.
  • It is very transparent. A misanthrope is characterized by being direct with others. He is so sincere that, on many occasions, others feel uncomfortable in a conversation. They have no social filter; they say what they think without caring about the consequences. Hurting someone's feelings is not a fact that falls within their moral concerns.
  • They avoid romantic relationships. Many misanthropic people can feel lonely. However, they avoid being with a person in an emotional relationship at all costs. This is because such a relationship involves spending time with a person and dedicating special moments to them. This is unthinkable for a misanthrope.
  • They have an anxiety disorder. Studies have shown that misanthropes often suffer from some anxiety disorder. It is not common in everyone, but it is closely related. In the end, they live in fear of not getting together or relating to people. Something that is inevitable if you live in this world.

Is it a mental illness?

Misanthropy may seem like a mental illness due to hatred of people. However, Science does not recognize it as such. Despite this, a misanthropic person may present signs of a borderline personality disorder, depression or anxiety. But it should be noted that, in most cases, a misanthropic person can lead a completely normal life. Of course, with little interaction with other people.

Misanthropy can be psychologically damaging when these people isolate themselves from society. Loneliness can have consequences not only psychologically but also physically, causing problems such as a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to obesity, alcoholism or similar addictions such as tobacco.

As we have mentioned before, misanthropy generates anxiety. This is caused by the stress caused by hatred of human beings. Constantly living in situations where they are in contact with people makes them nervous and restless. That is why it is necessary for the misanthropic person to ask for help from a professional psychologist. This will help you with a series of techniques and skills, so that you can live day to day.

Can you stop being a misanthrope?

Psychological help is a step towards stopping being a misanthrope. Psychological professionals mental health They will give you advice on how to work on your relationships with others so that it is not so hard for you.

You have to learn to put aside hatred towards people. Try to see them as positive instead of its negative side. Look for people who transmit good things to you and make you feel good, stay away from people who cause discomfort. If you stay away from those people who do wrong, you will stop feeling so much hate. Finally, get out of your comfort zone. Experience new things and face your own fears.

You have to work on all this with a psychologist. In Psychia We offer you the help you need through the online therapyIf you are thinking about seeking help, do not hesitate to contact us and enjoy a completely free first session.