I feel empty, what can I do? – Online Psychologists

“I feel empty” is a phrase that, unfortunately, patients often tell us when they are in therapy. We are going to analyze why this feeling occurs and, above all, talk at length about how to overcome it.

Let's start from a premise: if you feel an inner emptinessif lately nothing motivates you, You feel lonely or disconnected from the worldyou may be going through a period of existential voidThere are many people who have experienced it at some point in their lives.

What causes this existential void

It can be caused by many reasons, but one of the most common is the loss of a loved one. The sudden absence of an important and key person in your life can trigger this feeling of inner emptinessdoes not necessarily imply the death of that person, It can occur after a separation from a partner or when a child leaves home..

Although there are other situations that can lead to this feeling of emptiness, for example loss of your job, a move to another country or even the diagnosis of a diseaseThey are sudden changes that have a great impact on our lives and are accompanied by a feeling of uncertainty that can lead to this existential void.

The truth is that the situations we have already discussed act as a trigger but the feeling of emptiness is related to ourselvesbecause this existential void is above all the result of loss of contact with oneself.

Little by little you disconnect from yourself, from your own life and you become a spectator.

It is common that while we focus on a situation, an objective or goal, we disconnect from ourselves and do not pay attention to what is happening inside us. That is, the existential emptiness is also caused by our own expectations and frustrated goals.

The first step: help from an expert

When we find ourselves facing this feeling of emptiness, it is more than likely that the cause that provokes it is deeply rooted within us. That is when the figure of the psychologist comes into play, without a doubt the most appropriate person – and the most trained – to delve with you into the ultimate reasons for the existential crisis.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career We have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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Overcome the feeling of existential emptiness and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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Symptoms of existential emptiness

The feeling of emptiness is accompanied by a series of symptoms that can help you identify if you are going through this situation:


It is common for people who go through this existential void to experience physical sensations, the most frequent being a kind of pressure in the chest.


People who feel empty often experience boredom, reluctancefrustration, sadness, apathyapathy, disillusionment, boredom and fatigue.


Existential emptiness can lead to a series of characteristics in the way people who suffer from it act. They usually have aggressive, self-destructive and even addictive behaviors.

Characteristics of those who feel emptiness

People who feel empty usually meet one or more of the following characteristics:

  • They feel like they are adrift
  • Everything they do is boring and dissatisfied.
  • They feel distressed when having to deal with any everyday situation
  • When making decisions they are often inconsistent
  • This feeling of constant dissatisfaction results in nothing giving them pleasure.
  • This existential void results in them being insecure people.
  • They are unable to commit to anything or anyone; they have no sense of responsibility.
  • They become lonely and isolate themselves, distancing themselves from their friends and loved ones without being aware of it.

Most common reactions

Is usual that the people who experience This feeling of empty existential want to fill itwhich is why they usually take refuge in.

  • Drugs, the most common is to resort to alcohol.
  • Compulsive shopping.
  • Addiction to gambling, sex and even work.
  • Uncontrolled food intake that can lead to eating disorders.

Are actions are completely counterproductive and will not have the desired effectthe problem will not be solved by resorting to substances such as alcohol, but will get worse because it has not been «treated» properly.

How to stop feeling empty

To get rid of that feeling of emptiness you can put into practice a series of tips that we give you below:

Recognize the void

The first step to leave that feeling behind that does not bring you anything positive, is recognize and accept it. Don't try to hide how you feel and don't try to fool yourself, the sooner you accept it the sooner you can put into practice the necessary measures to get rid of that feeling of emptiness.

Look inside yourself

Is It is important that you know yourself and be aware of your virtues and defectsThe more you know yourself, the easier it will be to delve into the reasons for that emptiness.

Spend time with yourself

He existential void It is a disconnection with yourself and with your I inside. You may have forgotten about your needs and desires, it is important to make yourself your first priority and start listening to yourself. The more you take care of yourself and your inner self, the more you will know yourself and the emptiness will disappear.

Value what you have

Live in the presentenjoy what you are experiencing and above all, learn to value what you have here and now.

Put into practice what makes you feel good

To reconnect with yourself it is important that you cultivate what makes you feel good.To achieve this, we must travel a long road that requires effort and dedication, so doing activities that fulfill us and that we like is a good option.

Comfort yourself

Start valuing yourself, then relate to yourself in a positive way It will help you strengthen your self-esteem and your opinion of yourself, which It will help you get out of that feeling of emptiness and apathy.

In addition, you can overcome the feeling of emptiness with the professional help of a psychologist.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems.

If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.