I can't stop thinking about my ex-partner, what do I do? – Online Psychologists

Has this happened to you too? There are thousands of reasons why couples break up: infidelity, jealousy, toxicity, family, future plans, different lifestyles, work…

Although the separation was a mutual decision For the sake of both, time passes and Your ex-partner is still present in your heart and in your head. It doesn't matter how many hobbies you find to try to distract yourself, it doesn't matter how much you focus on your work. You can't stop thinking about her.

Why can't you turn the page?

However, this case usually occurs when One of the members of the couple suffers more because the other person is the one who has decided to end the relationship. memory It destroys you little by little because it doesn't leave your mind and prevents you from working, thinking and even enjoying your free time or spending time with other people. In short, rebuilding your life.

Many people decide to start other relationships… in vain.

Love, after all, can end up being a addiction. When trying to break up a relationship we can act with the same psychological mechanism that we would experience with addictions to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Being with your partner makes you feel goodbut once the breakup comes, the despair and the withdrawal syndrome.

Emotional pain It also creates anxiety. The obsession and desperation makes you believe that you need that person even more.

5 tips to get over a breakup and rebuild your life

It will be common for you to review the social networkssuffering for every post from your ex-partner. You can even send him messages that he won't answer.

Relax. Every process, in this case forgetting, has its phases and, most importantly, it takes time. It will hurt less and less each time. Keep in mind that Each one heals at his own pace and there are people who will forget their ex before you.

  • The first thing will be to get away, break all the contact possible with your ex-partner. And, yes, that includes deleting his or her phone number and unfollowing him or her on social media. The more channels there are that bring you closer to your ex-partner, the more tempted you will be to get back in touch and, therefore, the more you will suffer.
  • After, reflectWhat are the causes of the breakup? Maybe breaking up was the best decision.
  • After the breakup, you will have to go through a duelIt will be a stage in which you will let out all the suffering you carry inside and it will be the best way to vent and get rid of that pain.
  • Accept itIf another person has decided to end the relationship, there is a reason for that. You have to respect their decision. It is time to let go of the memories to make way for new ones.
  • One arrives new stage in which you will have to set new goals for yourself. Without a doubt, working on your self-esteem is one of them.

Do not hesitate to go to psychological therapy to stop thinking about your partner and continue building your life. Going to the psychologist is not a sign of failure, on the contrary, it is a sign that you fight for yourself and are willing to invest in your well-being and your future.

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