I can't masturbate without watching porn – Online Psychologists

“I can’t masturbate without watching porn” It is one of the phrases that is heard most in the sexology consultationsBut why does this happen? What is the reason? Is there something else hiding? Find out!

As the access to porn It has become easier, the practice has become normalized to a point where it is common to masturbate and get pleasure just by watching porn.

People affected by this are used to masturbating with pornography and when they try to do it without it, they have difficulty getting aroused or having an orgasm. This situation can be transferred to the bedroom and they can experience it with their partner.

Masturbation and pornography

Studies define masturbation as “the stimulation of the genital organs for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure and usually aimed at orgasm.”

Of course, during masturbation you can use sex toys, or you can resort to fantasies or porn. This practice can be done alone or with someone.

Regarding pornography, this refers to audiovisual material that explicitly presents sexual and genital activities with the purpose of exciting the viewer.

However, it is important to know the parameters between the normal consumption of pornography and addictionsince the latter can cause psychological, social and physical problems, comparable to addiction to psychoactive substances, as research indicates.

When these cases of pornography addiction occur, then one should opt for self-control techniquesincreased physical activity and participation in social activities, among others.

Is porn consumption harmful?

Many people find real pleasure in masturbating and watching porn, the arousal comes quickly. Watch porn too prevents the mind from wandering. Everything happens precisely and almost certainly.

Porn can also be used to obtain images that will later become part of your fantasies and which you can later use. Nowadays it is easy to consume porn and you can do it from the privacy of your bedroom and it may even be free.

Watching videos can be fun, as you can fast forward, rewind or replay the same scene as many times as you like. Some sites on the Internet offer a multi-screen option to watch different scenes at the same time.

So what's wrong with all this?

Masturbating and just watching porn

These same ease of consumption offered by the porn industry have allowed many people to become accustomed to and routinely incorporate porn while masturbating.

When this becomes very frequent, then the mind demands that type of high intensity stimulation. However, Reality is not always as porn sells itIf a person becomes accustomed to only watching pornography, then further encounters with partners or masturbation without these powerful images will no longer seem exciting.

It may even happen that the person has more difficulty concentrating to create fantasies in their mind. That's why there are so many people saying: “I can't masturbate without watching porn”.

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What can I do if I have trouble getting aroused without watching porn?

If in the previous point What started the whole problem was habituationso The key to unraveling the matter will be dishabituation. It is necessary stop consuming pornography for a while, to allow the mind to regain its imaginative capacity.

If the person Consumption of porn is prohibited You will be on the right path to getting your mind receptive again, and thus your body able to respond again and get aroused without having to watch porn.

In addition, The couple can resort to different methods to make their sex life richer.for example, erotic toys, role-playing games, erotic card games, blindfolds, among others.

Pornography can be defined as audiovisual material that explicitly presents sexual and genital activities in an unconcealable manner, with the aim of Exciting the viewer to addiction to pornography can lead to physical, mental, psychological and social problemswhich are comparable to those generated by addiction to the consumption of psychoactive substances.

Establishing self-control strategies, increasing physical activity and participation in social activities are some of the alternatives that can help combat and Preventing ponography addiction.

Read erotic literature It can also be beneficial. However, if there is one thing that should be taken into account, it is that pornography does not affect all people equally, and not everyone gets used to it.

Pornography can be a useful resource if consumed responsibly and in a balanced way. This would make intimacy more dynamic and creative.

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