But there are also many natural spaces willing to receive the most adventurous, such as the Trout forestwhere you can fish and eat, as well as the San Antonio dam, Another natural places to make walks and even tirolesase and hiking. We can't leave out the Ecotourism development Barranca de Aguacatitla, A park for the conservation of the ecosystem.
Now, Huasca de Ocampo is known by La Plataalthough in reality it is not producer already, as is ceramic and artisanal textiles that, in part they are economic support of the town, as well as tourism itself.
How much does it cost to go to basaltic prisms?
The arrival depends a lot on the place of origin, since it can be by bus, by plane and then move by bus or a taxi, or arrive by car. The most advisable thing is to consult with travel agencies or directly in the terminals on land and aerial. Now, The entrance to the basaltic prisms has a cost of 100 pesos per personit should be noted that it is a natural space in conservation.
There is a festival dedicated to the folk dance of the country and is held in Huasca de Ocampo every year.Cesira Alvarado
What festivities are held in Huasca de Ocampo?
As in all magical villages, In Huasca de Ocampo, parties are celebrated all yearalthough some are bigger than others. For example, from January 3 to 8, the Kings partyin which there is a delicious thread and drinks. In March is the National Folklor Festivalin which dance companies from all over the country gather to honor national dance tradition.
From March there are events that have to do with The religious culture of Huasca de Ocampo, like him Viacrucis during Holy Week, the feast of San Juan Bautista on June 24 with charred, masses and literary programs; Or, the Fiestas de la Virgenin December in which there are mechanical games, snacks, masses and even fireworks.