How to wave short hair? Carmen Villalobos shows you

Carmen Villalobos decided to teach her fans how to wave short hair through a video tutorial. Learn you too!

Women are divided into two: smooth and curly. We curly ones spend half our lives doing the blower and the straight ones, waving our hair.

And there is nothing more cool than changing our look and the shape of our hair is one of the easiest and non-permanent ways to achieve it.

Carmen Villalobos teaches how to wave short hair

That is why this actress decided to share with viewers how she does herself so that her short hair has sensual and natural waves. And she did it through a tutorial; Here we share the step by step…

1. Wash and prepare

Wash your hair and apply a product that provides thermal protection.

2. Dry

Comb your hair very well to remove all the tangles and dry it with the help of your dryer.

3. Wavy, the last step to wave your short hair

Part your hair down the middle, and then each half into two other halves; take each strand and wave it with the help of a curling wand. Finish with a repairing serum on the ends to give shine to the hair.

Check out the full video below…

Tell us, what is your secret for a hairstyle like this? Write what you think in the comments of this note on our Face fanpage! And share it on your social networks.