How to tie a tie knot, easy and fast!

Learn in a step by step how to tie a tie knot in a quick but quite simple way.

Most of the time, most men learn to tie a single knot and are hesitant to experiment with other ways of tying it. That is why here we want to give you other ideas that will be very useful.

How to tie a tie knot step by step

With this step by step, you can encourage yourself to try these tie knot styles that will make you always look elegant and at the forefront. So do not hesitate to encourage yourself to try them all and choose the one you like the most.

How to tie the knot

Not all tie knots are the same, each knot differs in 3 aspects: size, symmetry and shape. We are going to show you four styles that you will surely love:


This knot is versatile, medium in size, nearly symmetrical, and when tied correctly produces a noticeable deep dimple. Best used with medium to narrow ties.


The oriental knot is simple because it requires the fewest steps and is very easy to learn. Although very little is used in the West, its popularity in China is incredible and that is why they consider it one of their favorites. This knot works well with thick ties or for tall men who need a little more length.


The Kelvin tie knot is named after Lord Kelvin, a mathematical physicist who contributed to knot theory in relation to atomic structure. This knot produces a neat and agile knot that is slightly larger in size and angular.


This knot is named after Queen Victoria of England, there are those who say that the name «Victoria» perhaps has something to do with the fact that it is one of the most sophisticated knots in the world.

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