How to teach a child to read? These techniques do not fail

Many adults wonder how to teach a child to read at different stages of their life, or when they find some difficulty in the child that makes it difficult for them to advance in the learning process easily.

There are cycles in the life of children that are really very important and in which behaviors, social behavior and their motor and learning capacities are largely defined. Teaching them to read does not have to be a boring or stressful task, rather it can be a space for integration and play.

We share good recommendations to prevent technology from harming your children and also some very interesting techniques to teach them the beautiful habit of reading, while you share quality time with the little ones at home:

How to teach a child to read?

The first thing to keep in mind is that there is no reason to force the child to do it. It is better to attract him little by little towards reading, to make him curious about the importance of it and how fun it can be to know fantastic stories. While he can start doing it, you are his favorite reader, read a story to your child every day and above all, give him tools to approach the book and gain confidence. Finally, the example is fundamental; If the minor sees you interested in reading and understands that you enjoy it a lot, he will want to replicate your behavior.

How to teach a preschool child to read?

At an early age, the game is the link to approach and teach your child things. This stage requires an entertaining reading but above all the company of visual material; for this reason, books with pictures, mobiles and colorful figures will be very striking. It is also important to reinforce reading by repeating the words with the children, showing them the letters and the sounds they generate and inviting them to ask about their meaning, reinforcing the lessons left by these stories. Sit or lie down with your child in spaces free from noise, without distractions and throw away your mobile devices!

How to teach a 6 year old to read?

This moment of his cognitive formation is very interesting because you can begin to generate real reading habits and even design spaces in your house in which the stories you tell him make a lot of sense. You can put into practice other techniques such as:

  • use fun tools which should not necessarily be the cell phone. Buildable games to make words, listen to songs with basic and understandable lyrics, can help reinforce learning.
  • Teach groups of phonemes and asking him to repeat them, is very useful. For example, tell them that the letter M, in reading, does not sound like em but with mm, this will familiarize them with the language.
  • Point to each word they read is important for them to gain the speed to continue a line and to visually associate what letters look like together.
  • ask you to answer with your own words a question about something you are reading, helps memorize and have reading comprehension.

How to teach a child to read quickly at home?

In this case you must be careful because “from the eagerness, only fatigue remains”. Stimulating their oral expression, helping them to improve their vocabulary and promoting learning with various contents, will make the child quickly acquire the faculties of reading. It is not a race, so give him the space to gain confidence, you can help him by sharing simple readings with him, during defined times during the day. Also, it might be useful for you not only to ask him to read but to write things related to the text or to draw pictures of the most significant moments in the story, describing them additionally in writing.

How to teach reading to a child who finds it difficult?

Cognitive deficits require a lot of attention and understanding. Sometimes, it is not that your child is lazy or does not retain the learning of her own will, it can be situations such as scattered attention. You should sit next to your son and make sure that the readings are really to his liking. Do not allow them to leave a text halfway because they want to do another activity and reinforce their learning through games not of memorizing words, but of complementing small sentences aloud or creating families of words in a fun way, such as, for example: flower – vase – flourish, etc.

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