How to take care of your Christmas Eve to live after Christmas

How to take care of Christmas Eve


If something gives Christmas color are Christmas Eve. We see them everywhere adorning and giving life to the streets, houses and parks. Besides They are used to emphasize the feeling of unity and peace that hugs the world at the holidays; However, Christmas Eve are not always the best option to have at home.

Most households He dresses up with some Christmas Evebut as soon as the winter era ends, they die and go to the trash or are used to pay. It is no longer a surprise and in reality, it does not cause pain or doubt, it is a predetermined destination. But why not change that life cycle and allow Christmas Eve to live for a longer time?

We tell you How to keep your Christmas Eve alive for longer transplanting them and thus give more life opportunities.

Not only is it at Christmas

Contrary to what is thought, Christmas Eve is not a plant that only flourishes in times DecemberIn fact, being a native flower from Mexico, it easily adapts to the climate of Mexico and therefore, it supports cold and warm temperatures. So it requires somewhat varied care.

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A lot of light, but not natural

You need to be in a very illuminated space Like a window, but the direct sun could harm it. So it is recommended that at night or in the afternoon you illuminate with lampsbut never stay in a space that gives total shadow, except in some cases.