How to take care of a guayacán bonsai, highly recommended tips!

If you don’t know yet how to take care of a guayacán bonsai at home, you should know that there are very simple techniques to achieve it without making much effort.

It is well known that bonsai are one of the most preferred tree species by people. In part, the ease of its care and its beautiful appearance to decorate spaces at home, make it the ideal plant for those who are not gardening experts.

We want to show you everything you need to know about ficus benjamina and the care to pamper this beautiful plant, as well as the secrets to have a guayacán bonsai at home in the best way:

What does it mean to have a bonsai at home?

Bonsai are a universal representation of good luck. The history of these trees begins with the Buddhist monks, who were the forerunners of bonsai care in Japan. Due to the peaceful and positive fame of these characters, the maintenance of this plant immediately began to be associated with fortune and good luck.

How to take care of a guayacán bonsai

The ideal conditions for this tree are outdoors and well ventilated or illuminated by the sun’s rays. That the bonsai are located in warm places (due to the action of the sun), would help reduce the size of the leaves and better form their branches. Like any other tree from tropical and subtropical areas, it would be best that when cold or icy weather seasons arrive, you protect the bonsai by taking it indoors or covering it with a thermal blanket.

How to take care of a potted guayacán bonsai

To take care of the potted bonsai, you will need precise care to maintain it over time and that it does not wither. These are some very simple tips that will help you so that the dwarf tree always looks beautiful:

  • It is vital that you do a specific watering when you see that the soil is dry. Insert a wooden stick to see if the substrate already requires water. Remember that if you live in a warm area, you will need to water it more often. Don’t forget to spray its leaves a little with water either, as it will remove dust and refresh the leaves, stems and roots.
  • The ideal and recommended thing to fertilize the land is to do it in times of cool weather similar to spring and autumn. Keep in mind that the product you use must have adequate amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen.
  • Pruning the bonsai is also important, so you should do it by removing the branches that grow vertically and removing the excess branches and leaves that cover the contour of the plant.

How to take care of a guayacán bonsai at home

Making this plant grow requires a lot of patience and wise decisions. The pot that you offer must be the one indicated, so look for one made of clay with holes in the lower part that serve as drainage, a plastic one is not recommended at all since it is too wet. The light and temperature conditions can force you to move the plant to semi-shade or full light spaces. You must be attentive to the reaction of the leaves to see if they lose their natural green color and become brown. This will tell you if it requires more or less light.

We also want to teach you everything about the Spathiphyllum plant and the care to take into account in this strange species.