If you want to lose weight and they recommended jogging, but you don’t know how to start running to lose weightHere we give you some tips.
We know that running is a very good cardiovascular exercise, excellent for losing weight, however, many of us find it extremely difficult to do it with the necessary time and frequency.
Experts explain how to start running to lose weight
The Harvard University School of Medicine shared some tips on its website so that running is not so difficult for beginners. Take note!
1. Start small
And gradually increase the intensity and time of your runs. If you start with an hour session, chances are you won’t do it again; Remember that consistency is the key to getting results.
2. Get a good night’s sleep
The night before the day when you plan to go jogging you should sleep very well, so your body will be ready to perform at its best the next day. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body won’t have time to rest and repair itself (one of the basic functions of sleep), so you’ll be more sensitive to pain and fatigue.
3. Breathe with the abdomen
Although we always raise our chest when breathing, the doctors of this prestigious university advise the belly breathing, because you take in more oxygen than breathing from the upper part of the chest. With more oxygen available, your muscles will fatigue less.
Lie on your back with one hand on your navel. As you inhale, expand your abdomen, drawing more air into the lower part of your lungs. Your hand should rise as your belly expands. As you exhale, contract your belly and expel the air so that your hand falls.
4. Listen to music and get into the groove
Some songs have the perfect beat for jogging or running, however any upbeat and fast tune can keep you motivated while keeping you going.
You can start with songs that have a slower tempo to warm up, then move on to some more energetic ones, and finish with slower, more relaxing tunes as you stretch.
5. And if you get tired, turn it down
If in the middle of the jog you run out of breath or you get a spleen, reduce your pace to a walk, but without stopping at any time. As you feel better, gradually pick up your speed.
These discomforts are normal at first and you should not be scared. If the pain does not disappear or recurs more frequently, go to your trusted doctor.
Now that you know, share it on your social networks! Your friends, friends and family will thank you.