How to sow seeds and become an expert on the subject

Know how to sow seeds at home it is a very important matter if you decide to start your own crop, because the processes go beyond putting them in the ground and watering them so that they grow on their own.

Gardening and/or agriculture are activities of great respect and in which, through experience, you will learn the secrets to have healthier, more prosperous crops and in which you can simplify and optimize processes to avoid wear or the frustration when things don’t go your way.

At Vibra we want you to become the most expert in these matters and for this reason, we show you how to grow lentils at home in a simple way and we teach you the best tricks to sow any type of seed in your own home.

How to sow seeds at home

Ready? The time has come to start sowing your seeds no matter what they are. Take out paper and pencil because you are going to want to have these notes to put them into practice right now:

To choose

The choice of the seed will make you know what kind of conditions it will need to grow, for example, the temperature, if you should do it outdoors or indoors, if it is better to have it in a pot, seedbed or directly in the ground.


Knowing this information, take the soil, moisten it and deposit it in the container that you have decided to use for its germination. Later, bury the seeds but not too much, rather leave them almost superficially, one or two centimeters deep to prevent them from germinating. Also, make sure to sow, if it is in a pot, no more than 3 seeds.


Seeds need a lot of nutrients to grow. A good recommendation is to use natural-type manures and fertilizers such as manure (if you have farm animals), compost, eggshells, freshly cut grass, or coffee water. You must carry out this process very often by applying directly to the soil of the plant.

To water

We always tell you, but you better make sure how much water you apply to the substrate. For the seeds to reach an ideal germination, water the plant regularly whenever the substrate looks dry. If you have your plant in a pot, water it 3-4 times a week.

We also teach you the best tactics on how to plant paprika at home in a short time and with a guaranteed good harvest.