Your eyesight wears out over time, especially when you spend most of your time in front of electronic gadgets such as your cell phone or computer. That is why it is important to exercise it The eyes, like all muscles, need a series of physical activities to strengthen them.
The lack of visual exercise can produce cases of amblyopia, a refractive error such as myopia, astigmatism and farsightedness, or strabismus –cross eye–. Although there are treatments such as laser operations or prescription glasses, it is also possible stimulate the neural pathways of the affected eye through eye exercises.
Recovering sight can be easily done anywhere and at any time, as it only requires a series of exercises that we share below:
– Avoid eye pressure by keeping them closed for a few minutes every two to three hours.
– Only with the eyes follow the line of these 16 eye gymnastics exercises.
– Give massages on special points. With the tips of the middle and index fingers, lightly press the contour of the eye for eight times. Prevent the sensation from being unpleasant. After that, with the tips of the index fingers press the point for two times.
– Walk more often.
– drink carrot juice with a few drops of olive oil.
– Soak your eyes in hot water.
– Do not use the computer two hours before going to bed.
– Reduce tension and stress as much as possible.
– Do the Indian exercise «Trataka«: Fix a direct point to use as a focus of attention. Put as much concentration as possible on this point – a small object, the light of a candle, a black spot–. This will strengthen vision and stimulate the third eye –trataka–. When your eyes start to get tired, close them and relax.The exercise consists of paying attention to an object to purify the mind.Avoid doing it in front of a mirror, as it can trigger a psychotic break.
Read on: Why do allergies make your eyes water?
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