How to remove stretch marks or make them look less?

Although they are normal, they are uncomfortable when they appear. That’s why we give you some tricks for you to learn how to remove stretch marks.

There are stretch marks of different colors, each of them appear for different reasons. For example, the red ones appear due to the rupture of the blood capillaries but they have the advantage that they can be easily treated because their regeneration capacity is great. There are also the purples that are in an intermediate phase so treating them can also be a little easier. And finally, there are the white ones that can look like a scar that forms on the skin and that are quite complicated to remove.

However, you should keep in mind that stretch marks exist, they are normal and they happen to both men and women. That is why you should never feel insecure about your body, these tricks that we will give you below are quite effective because they will help you eliminate them if it is the case or help you fade them.

How to remove red or purple stretch marks

The easiest thing to eliminate stretch marks that have a red or purple color is to moisturize the skin very well. Also, you should keep in mind that stretch marks are itchy when they are appearing on your body and the worst thing you can do is scratch them as this could aggravate stretch marks.

Another trick that works very well when stretch marks are at this stage is to exfoliate the skin. You can use some vegetable loofah or exfoliating creams and all you have to do is rub the stretch marks twice a week for three to five minutes while taking a bath.

How to remove white stretch marks

When you want to eliminate white stretch marks, an exfoliation is not enough, however, you do have to keep your skin well hydrated. You must resort to other types of treatments performed by experts such as peeling, laser, pulsed light, dermabrasion or intradermotherapy. These treatments are responsible for renewing the skin, stimulating the formation of collagen and elastin, and improving its appearance or reducing its size.

How to remove tail stretch marks

A very useful home remedy to solve stretch marks that appear on the tail is to pass half a lemon over the area with stretch marks and let it act for about an hour before bathing. You can also use almond oil, which is one of the products that not only serves to prevent but also to eliminate stretch marks.

How to remove pregnancy stretch marks

If stretch marks appeared during pregnancy, the first thing to keep in mind is that you should not scratch them. Many times those stretch marks that you see during pregnancy disappear as if by magic, but if you scratch them they will remain there on your body. In addition, it is very important to keep your skin hydrated, and castor oil is a great ally for skin problems such as spots, moles, and especially stretch marks. Use it frequently and you will see the results because it really is very effective.

How to remove stretch marks from breasts

Stretch marks are a kind of flat scars that appear when the skin is stretched very sharply. That is why it is common for you to see stretch marks on your breasts, so the best way to avoid them is to maintain a good diet, increase water consumption, use sunscreen and exercise. A natural ally to help stretch marks disappear on the breasts is to use aloe vera, a plant that favors internal tissues and is ideal for healing or eliminating scars.

If you liked this note, we recommend this homemade cream to remove stretch marks… One click away from Vibra.