In love? Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. From an announcer? Keep an eye out!
These are the signs to warn that platonic love that overwhelms you when you hear his harmonious voice behind the speaker:
10. You talk about their little jokes on the air all day with your friends…
9. I miss you hear her melodious voice when you listen to a cd…
8. When he says goodbye at the end of his turn on the air, mentally you say: «don’t go, don’t go»…
7. You already spied on all their photos private and you have sent a direct message to their social networks…
6. You ask him for tickets to your favorite concert but he plays hard…
5. You have a photo with him in the Instagram timeline or even more intense, as a Facebook profile…
4. You hear his voice in all those who speak to you…
3. you expected more see him than the artist main event at the station…
two. When you hear it in action you notice a reaction in your body…
1. You didn’t care about his appearance when you saw it on tv…
Caught! The listeners in love gave themselves away…