How to read and interpret the lines on the palm of the hand?

Anyone who thinks of chiromancy (the art of reading palms) immediately imagines a gypsy. But the origin is much more remote: the practice began more than 4,000 years ago, according to manuscripts found in Egypt, India and China. The technique survives to this day as one of the most fascinating – and easy. After all, you only need your own hand (the one you use to write) to try to understand what will happen throughout your life. And the interpretation evolves over time, as new lines emerge or old ones deepen. Discover, below, the meaning of the main creases.

head line

(Zé Otavio/)

It represents intelligence and mental health. It is considered the visible part of the human brain. The length is proportional to the capacity of memory and reasoning. People with a short line are more practical and less rational. Thickness indicates creativity and concentration. Distracted and unengaged have the fine line or with interruptions.

heart line

(Zé Otavio/)

It’s where you read about your affective side and your personal relationships. Is it long? Then you are balanced and kind. The opposite, a short line, indicates someone who does not express feelings. Thickness matters too: the thinner the line, the more romantic and devoted you are to the relationship. The connection with Mount Jupiter signals that you are an eternal conqueror. If the connection is with the mount of Saturn, it is an indication of exaggerated jealousy. And one more thing: if they unite with the head line, the person is insecure, mixing reason and emotion as a way of protecting himself.

Life line

(Zé Otavio/)

Indicates longevity, health and the most important events of your existence. The longer it is, the longer you will live. But a short line does not indicate premature death! You just need to take care of your health. The thickness is proportional to the strength of the personality. If it is thin, it reveals a flexible person, perhaps indecisive. If the life line joins the head line, it indicates a rational person, who likes to hear everyone’s opinion. If they are separated, it denotes independence and autonomy.

line of mars

(Zé Otavio/)

Only 50% have. It is a symbol of vitality, fidelity and courage. The well-marked ones belong to capable, active people, those who make things happen.

line of marriage

(Zé Otavio/)

Close your fist. Each stroke formed indicates a great relationship. If it’s close to the heart line, you’ll get married early. Near Mount Mercury, just past 29.

line of apollo

(Zé Otávio/)

It is very rare: only 25% of people have it. It denotes success and balance in all areas of life. If yours is weak, it’s still a sign of triumph – but full of ups and downs.

line of mercury

(Zé Otavio/)

Present in only half of the population. When it is continuous (or completely absent), it indicates good health. Now, if yours has several flaws… How about having a checkup?

line of fate

(Zé Otavio/)

Also known as the lucky line, only 60% of the population has it. It shows the professional side, the difficulties and their standard of living. The thicker the better.

road accidents

Learn to read the different types of strokes

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(Zé Otavio/)

CHAIN ​​- Links, or «islands,» indicate disillusionment in the field governed by that line.

FOLLOW-UP – If the crease seems to continue on a parallel path, it indicates a period of change – but without loss.

SECTION – Periods of lossy change are represented by a missing piece

BIFURCATION – This one is obvious: it symbolizes a moment of indecision, doubt, in your life

POINT – Represents an illness or accident

my little fingers

Finger shape can tell more about your future

(Zé Otavio/)

Minimum (MERCURY) – If it passes the first phalanx of the ring finger, you are a communicative and optimistic person.

(Zé Otavio/)

Ring (APOLUS) – Its size reveals an inclination towards the arts and reflection. If it is equal to the indicator, it indicates a sense of justice

(Zé Otavio/)

Middle (SATURN) – If it is long, then a person fights for his ideals. If it is short, it prefers to live in its own way, without paying attention to society.

(Zé Otavio/)

Indicator (JUPITER) – Is it bigger than the ring finger? You have ambition and like to lead. Smaller? So you prefer to obey

(Zé Otavio/)

Thumb (VENUS) – If it bends back easily, you’ve got some legroom. Rigidity is synonymous with stubbornness (and honesty)

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