One of the most popular indoor blades is the Potusboth for its rapid growth that forms hanging stems of leaves that combine different shades of green with yellow, and due to the minimum care that requires to survive.
This ideal plant for beginners too It is perfect to learn to reproduce other species from multiplication by cuttingsa very simple way to create more plants from a mother plant. Discover how to grow a root of a potus stem and take the next step as Plant Lover:
How to reproduce a plant from cuttings
The most effective way to reproduce potus and other plants is through its cuttings, that is, from cutting a part of the stem that has the ability to multiply and create a new plant.
Potus is one of the easiest species to keep home and also reproduce and as the vast majority of interior plants, the best time to do so is during spring. To create a cutter you will only need a glass container or bottle, a universal substrate and a pot and follow the following steps:
Choose the right plant
Your plant must have at least a couple of years to be mature and that the possibilities of reproduction are greater. Before trying, make sure it is a healthy plant and is large enough to remove a minimum part of its stems. If your plant has less than five stems You must wait for it to grow even morethen cutting one could compromise its growth.
Cut a cut
Choose about 20 centimeters from one of the younger stems, containing Some leaves and especially knots. Cut the stem with sharp and diagonal scissors, trying to do it a few centimeters after a knot