How to plant soursop in a simple way

If you are interested in learning how to plant soursop In the simplest way possible, this is what you should take into account for your crop.

The soursop grows on a tree that produces these fruits with the appearance of round thorns and a white pulp that is edible. This fruit has a sweet flavor that at the same time can be a bit acidic and inside it has some seeds, the fruit can be eaten by itself, in smoothies or even in desserts.

How soursop is planted

The first thing you should know is that the soursop tree can grow up to 8 meters high, so it needs a lot of space, sunlight and warmth. If you meet these requirements, this is how you should plant your soursop plant.

Time to plant your plant

To begin, the first thing you should know is that you have to select the seeds of a soursop and leave them in water overnight. The next day, plant them half an inch deep in the moist soil and keep it moist, with this in about 2 to 4 weeks the plant should germinate.

Remember that it is better that the plant is 6 months old before planting it in the garden, once the soursop has germinated, make sure to keep it in a sunny place, with good soil and where it does not receive very strong breezes. Then you must keep it away from other trees or plants for at least 20 meters and remember to cover it with a lot of soil since the soursop has superficial roots.

Once new stems grow, choose the most upright one to be the central leader. After cutting off any other shoots, leave the center stem that is the most upright. You can do this by using clothespins to give it strength.

How to maintain your soursop tree

The yellow flowers of the soursop tree should start to come out at 3 or 5 years. Although at first you may think that it is too long, in reality it is worth waiting for it to start flowering, then it will continue constantly and you will be able to take advantage of the fruits in the best possible way.

Since you are interested in starting your own garden, it might also be useful for you to know How to grow mushrooms: doing it at home is very easy… Just one click away on Vibra.